    The overall arrangement and main spindle part design for five-axis vertical machining center
    Abstract:The five axis vertical machining center is one kind of synthesis machining ability strong numerical control machining equipment, the five axis vertical machining center collect a variety of machining function at a suit, work piece after a fixture of all kinds of small complex components can perform a variety of machining and five-axis complex surface machining. Passes through quite is definite this education small vertical processing center to the different movement plan and various parts design proposal qualitative analysis the overall project design is using the vertical layout, the main spindle part installs through the installment place in on the column guide rail slide rails, the column guide rail uses the trundle guide rail, may realize the Z direction feed motion. Were installed in the column below and above the linear guide connected to the the spindle slide and machine bed, to achieve X,Y axis linear feed motion. Install the cradle rotary table on the workbench, to achieve A , C -axis rotary feed motion . Five degrees of freedom of movement are controlled by the high - precision ball screw and rotary table with AC servo motor, and accurate five-axis machining control. Compares with the present domestic same type processing center, has the structure compact, the spatial size small, the processing precision high, the production efficiency higher merit.
    Keywords: Five-axis ; overall layout ; kinematic chain ; high-speed electric spindle
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题介绍    1
    1.2 选题背景    2
    1.3课题研究的意义    2
    1.4 文献综述    3
    1.4.1 五轴联动加工中心总体结构概述    3
    1.4.2 五轴联动加工中心主轴设计概述    3
    1.5 国内外发展现状    5
    1.5.1 国外发展现状    5
    1.5.2 我国发展现状    5
    2 五轴联动加工中心总体布局方案设计    7
    2.1 五轴高速加工中心的结构组成    7
    2.2五轴联动数控加工中心运动链配置形式    8
    2.3 五轴联动加工中心运动链典型形式    9
    2.4 五轴联动加工中心总体布局方案的初步拟定    10
    2.4.1 结构总体布局方案一    10
    2.4.2 结构总体布局方案二    11
    2.5 结构总体方案的比较    12
    3 五轴立式加工中心总体结构设计    13
    3.1 五轴立式加工中心A、C轴坐标    13
    3.2 五轴立式加工中心X、Y、Z 坐标结构    13
    3.3 五轴立式加工中心机械手换刀机构    13
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