



    Overall Design of Echelon Type Sizing Machine

    Abstract:With the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard,different kind of paper,especially in high-end paper demand is also increasing.nowadays,in Paper Industry,zhe common way to improve paper quality is to size a layer of glue on the paper to improve the ability of resisting liquid diffusion and osmosis,in order to improve the different performance,this way is called sizing.and the sizing machine is the special machinery for paper sizing,plays an increasingly important role in Paper Industry.

    Nowadays,there is a huge gap between china and other country in sizing machine designing.sizing quality unqualified, uneven sizing,glues are serious waste,not only causing the low working efficient,and the high cost.But also the quality of domestic paper products is generally lower than the foreign products one or two grades.This design,aims to improve the existing design of sizing machine,and the application of new technology in recent years,in order to solve or improve sizing standards. This article first introduced the sizingmachine’s background and development, introduced the working principle of it, analyzed important and difficult design, determined the program,demonstrated the host structure by comparing the previous design,and demonstrated the important parts in sizing machine:The roller’s index by calculation and check. 

    key words:  papermaking;  surface sizing;  sizing machine

    目  录

    1  绪论  1

    1.1 课题的背景 1

    1.2 课题的目的与意义 2

    2  施涂机的工作原理 3

    3  设计的关键与难点 4  3.1  确定斜列式施涂机的结构4

    3.2  差动螺旋机构的运动分析和几何参数4

    3.3  转移辊的材料选择4

    3.4  胶液的保存与多余胶液的回收5

    3.5  轴承装置的选择和设计5

    3.6  电动机的选择5

    4  方案论证6

      4.1  表面轴辊施胶各种方式比较6

    4.1.1  水平轴辊式表面施胶6

    4.1.2  垂直轴辊式表面施胶6

    4.1.3  门辊式表面施胶7

    4.1.4  斜列式(倾斜轴辊式)表面施胶7

    4.2  压辊设计方案的确定8

    4.3  转移辊设计9

    4.4  设计的技术要求10

    5  主要零部件的设计计算11

    5.1  转轴的材料选择11

    5.2  转轴的设计计算11

    5.2.1  施胶机转轴的动力参数计算11

    5.2.2  电机的选择12

    5.2.3  施涂机差动螺旋机构参数计算15

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