



     Abstract Rally test platform refers to a tensile test functions used to implement the system of the ship platform. Including its constituent institutions, processes, standards, mechanisms and tools and so on. This paper combines the hydraulic cylinder works for 1200 tons of marine mechanical test platform to build the power system design. Design elements including power plant design principle and calculation of the hydraulic cylinder device design..

    Test platform power system consists of driver modules, stretching module, bending module and the control detection module composed of four parts. One of the most important part is the drive module. The drive module uses a single-acting hydraulic cylinder piston toward the use of hydraulic pressure to one side pushing in the opposite direction movement, relies on its gravity or elastic. Papers are single acting single rod piston cylinder as the foundation, through the cylinder block, power beams and the beams for the design, combined with checking calculation, simulation analysis, finite element analysis and other methods and means to achieve the 1,200 tons of marine component mechanical testing platform power system design.

    Keywords: Power systems, hydraulic cylinders, design


    第一章 绪   论 1

    1.1 1200吨船用构件力学性能测试平台的研究现状 1

    1.2 1200吨船用构件力学性能测试平台动力系统的重要及意义 2

    1.3 现阶段的问题与不足 3

    第二章 液压缸工作原理及动力系统方案设计 4

    2.1 液压缸的概念 4

    2.2 建立动力系统 4

    第三章  液压缸的设计计算 6

    3.1 液压缸的分类和特点 6

    3.2 液压缸的设计及参数确定 7

    3.2.1 液压缸的总体设计及步骤 7

    3.2.2 液压缸的结构参数的计算 10

    第四章 液压缸的三维建模 14

    4.1三维建模软件介绍 14

    4.2 液压缸的三维建模 14

    4.2.1 液压缸缸体的建模 14

    4.2.2液压缸活塞杆的三维建模 15

    4.2.3 导向套的三维建模 16

    4.2.4 液压缸其他零件的建模 16

    第五章  液压缸的动画仿真

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