



    毕业论文关键词:曲轴; 油孔;摇臂钻床;主轴箱

    Abstract With the continuous development of society, manufacturing technology is also fast. The dring press still occupies an important position in the manufacturing. The improved design of machine tools based on the drilling machine successfully solve some complex parts processing problems, it also improve productivity and reduce processing costs.

    The large crank is the key components of large engines, using the ordinary drilling machine to process the oblique hole in crankshaft have the shortcomings of process more complex and low efficiency. This article describes a special drilling machine for manufacturing the crankshaft lubrication holes, it can be used to simplify the hole machining operations. The machine is improved the design on the basis of the radial drilling machine, this paper studies two parts of the machine overall program design and the design of the headstock, and major components such as: gears, bearings, drive shaft were designed check. Using results show that the machine has effectively improved the processing efficiency and reduce processing costs.

    In order to improve processing efficiency, low processing costs and reduce labor intensity, special machine tools based on the general machine tools for design out to solve the above problems, it has good prospects for the development.

    Key words: crankshaft; lubricating hole; radial dring; headstock


    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 立题的目的 1

    1.3 钻削技术的发展 2

    1.3.1 一般钻削技术 2

    1.3.2 深孔钻削加工的方法 2

    第2章 拟定机床总体方案 4

    2.1 工艺分析 4

    2.2 加工方案 5

    2.3 机床的总体布局 5

    第3章 机床的主要技术参数的确定 8

    3.1 刀具的选择 8

    3.2 运动参数和动力参数的确定 8

    3.3 电动机的选取 9

    3.4 曲轴钻孔专机传动方案及其设计 13

    3.4.1 主轴箱传动计算 13

    3.4.2 切削进给传动计算(Z方向) 14

    3.4.3 X方向传动计算 14

    3.4.4 Y方向传动计算 14

    3.5  变速箱的设计和选择

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