


    Abstract This passage has designed rectangular box deep drawing dropping material composite modulus and trimming mode, according to the require of given concrete part drawing’s size and tolerance, combining the using condition of reality while producing. Including blanking process design, compound mould structure and forms of design, major work parts design. Involving the scheme determination of mould, material utilization, press choice, and the normal working condition of mold, Die parts selection and manufacturing .Completed the calculation of the deep drawing force, cutting force, trimming force, unloading, positioning parts, ejection device etc. Then choosing the main parts and standard parts. Through this design makes me the consolidation of the professional theoretical knowledge to master the injection mold design and molding parts processing methods developed to improve the surveying, mapping, access to information, literature translation, professional software applications such as the ability to cultivate and bring up my creative ability, engineering sense, the rigorous scientific attitude, logical thinking, realistic working style and the correct scientific method. Finally, expounds the special shaped convex, concave die on the process.

    Key words: Rectangular box;Composite modulus;Trimming mode

     目 录

    第一章  绪    论 1

    1.1 选题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 我国冷冲压模具现状及前景 1

    第二章 工艺的分析 3

    第三章 主要工艺设计及计算 4

    3.1 拉伸工艺设计及其计算 4

    3.1.1盒形件的修边余量 4

    3.1.2 拉深次数的确定 4

    3.1.3 盒形件拉深的展开尺寸计算 5

    3.1.4 搭边及条料的宽度 7

    3.15 落料凸、凹模尺寸计算 7

    3.1.6 拉深凸、凹模圆角半径的确定 8

    3.1.7 拉深力计算 10

    3.2  落料、冲孔工艺设计及计算 10

    3.2.1 材料利用率计算 10

    3.2.2 冲裁力计算 11

    3.2.3 卸料力、推件力和顶件力计算 11

    3.2.4 冲裁凸凹模刃口尺寸计算 11

    3.3  落料拉深模冲压力的计算

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