
    摘要复杂零件的设计往往涉及多门学科,而传统的结构优化设计方式不能耦合各个学科的优势,也存在各种不定性因素影响设计结果。目前柴油机连杆的优化设计主要应用的还是单学科的优化分析技术,柴油机连杆多学科设计优化的方法还比较少。使用多学科设计优化(Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 简称 MDO)是解决复杂零件设计优化的一种有效方法。49605


    本文以MAN公司制造的的MAN9L32/40大型船用柴油机连杆为研究对象,使用Solidworks对连杆进行模型的构建,利用结构线性有限元理论分析连杆的受力状态,并在此基础上采用Isight 多学科设计优化软件集成包括ANSYS、Solidworks等软件对连杆进行结构优化,使连杆在满足条件的情况下减轻自身质量,从而减轻整个柴油机的重量,达到优化目的。

    毕业论文关键词: 多学科优化;连杆;Isight;受力分析

    Abstract The design of complex parts often involving multi-discipline,Traditional structural optimization method can not combine the prepotent parts of every subject, and also have some uncertainties which can affect the design results. It’s the single subject optimization analytical technology are mainly used in the existing situation of the optimization design research of the diesel engine connecting rod, and the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization-MDO is relatively shortly in used. The use of multidisciplinary design optimization (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization MDO) is an effective way to solve the design optimization of complex parts.

    This thesis takes the connecting rod which is the key part of the marine diesel engine for example to do the research work on the multidisciplinary optimization. Using multidisciplinary optimization in the design process of the key parts of the marine diesel engine, it changes the design process from serial modal to the paralleling modal. Under this modal, considering the relations between each discipline, using the design information fully to get the optimal answer, not only does it improve the reliability of the result, but also it improves the design quality, shorten the design cycle. Connecting rod is one of the key parts of the marine diesel engine, its working condition concerns working dependability and use durability of the diesel engine directly. So it is very valuable to research the multidisciplinary optimization on the connecting rod of marine diesel engine.

    In this thesis, the connecting rod of the MAN9L32/40 large marine diesel engine which is developed by the MAN is taken to the object of study, and creates the modal of connecting rod by solidworks, structure of linear finite element theory to analyze the stress state of the connecting rod, and on this basis, use the Isight multi-disciplinary design optimization software integration, including ANSYS, Solidworks software to optimize the structure on the connecting rod, to make the connecting rod to reduce their own quality to meet the conditions so as to reduce the weight of the whole diesel engine, to achieve optimization purposes.

    Keywords: Multidisciplinary optimization; Connecting rod; Isight; Vibration analysis

    目  录

    第一章 绪论1

  1. 上一篇:SOLIDWORKS悬梁折叠式汽车起吊装置设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:ANSYS高速磨削温度场数值模拟+CAD图纸
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