



     Abstract The valve is fluid pipeline control device. It is used to cut and connect a pipeline medium, medium pressure and flow regulation, change the direction of the flow medium and the protection of pipe system or equipment safe operation. With the development of modern technology, in industry, agriculture, national defense, scientific research and people's life, the fluid pipeline applications increasingly widespread, the valve need increasing. Wherein the valve’s Application in ship is essential, and the number and variety of. In order to facilitate the marine valve manufacturing, group technology has been widely applied. The group technology in the application of marine valve mainly uses the principle of group technology and the Group Fixture design.

    In this paper, through the practical application of group technology for large marine valve types of parts classification group, a preparation of group technology and Design Group Fixture, ultimate flexibility in the use of group technology. Comprehensive analysis of group technology in marine valve production play a significant role in group technology, introduces the concept and the design process as well as the Group Fixture design.

    Key words: marine valves, group technology, group technology, Group Fixture


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1课题来源 1

    1.2成组技术船用阀门国内目前的现状 1

    1.3 成组技术船用阀门国外目前的现状 2

    1.4软件介绍 3

    1.5本文内容 3

    第二章 船用阀门 4

    2.1阀门的用途 4

    2.2 阀门分类 4

    2.3常用阀门的结构及其在管路上的作用 6

    第三章 成组技术 8

    3.1成组技术的基本原理 8

    3.2成组技术应用及其技术经济效果 10

    3.3零件的分类编码 13

    第四章 成组工艺的设计过程 16

    4.1概述 16

    4.2工艺标准化 16

    4.3成组工艺的设计方法 16

    4.4成组工艺中的文件形式 17

    第五章 成组夹具的设计 19

    5.1成组夹具的基本概念 19

    5.2 成组夹具的调整方式

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