

    关键词  海上石油平台伸缩跳板  登船梯  液压系统  运动仿真  有限元分析


    Title  Design of an telescopic springboard used in oil platform    


    Offshore Oil platform telescopic springboard can be understood as the full rotary telescopic bridge device is the boarding ladder.As the nonstandard equipment,it is mainly applicable to the adoption and migration of personnel and materials of offshore drilling platform and life platform. The main content of this thesis is to design a full hydraulic boarding ladder and all the movements of the device mainly included the main rotary motion, the variable amplitude motion and the telescopic movement is controlled by the hydraulic system. The design content mainly includes the design of mechanical structure and the hydraulic system design, draw all the parts of the whole device by the drawing software and complete the motion simulation and complete Finite element analysis of stress and strain of important local component, which includes tubular pedestal and the bridge.at the same time, we should complete the design of hydraulic system, which drives the variable amplitude cylinder、rotary motors and telescopic motor.

    Keywords  Offshore Oil platform telescopic springboard  Boarding ladder 

    Hydraulic system  Motion simulation  finite element analysis

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  石油平台伸缩跳板的特点 2

    1.3  石油平台伸缩跳板的应用现状及发展前景 2

    1.4  课题研究主要内容 5

    1.5  本章小结 5

    2  总体方案的确定 6

    2.1  本课题任务的原始参数和功能要求等 6

    2.1.1  原始参数 6

    2.1.2  功能要求 6

    2.1.3  其他要求 7

    2.2  设计依据 7

    2.3  确定机械机构设计方案 8

    2.4  确定液压系统设计方案 8

    2.5  本章小结 8

    3  机械结构设计及部分零件的强度校核 9

    3.1  回转装置基架的设计和校核 9

    3.2  回转支架的设计 11

    3.3  变幅液压油缸的设计和校核 12

    3.3.1  液压油缸结构参数的设计 12

       3.3.2  液压油缸结构参数的校核

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