

    为了研究非对称固定翼双旋修正弹的气动特性, 采用数值计算的方法对其绕流流场进行仿真,研究了其升阻系数和力矩系数随马赫数、攻角的变化规律。结果表明:其阻力系数依然符合43年阻力定律;跨声速时最容易实现操纵;弹丸的操纵机构匀速转动时,升力和俯仰力矩系数的变化呈余弦函数式。研究结果为双旋弹的气动设计和工程化应用提供了方法指导和数据支撑47983

    关键词  二维弹道修正  双旋弹  鸭舵  气动特性  数值计算


    Title  Numerical Investigation on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Dual-spin Trajectory Correction Projectile with Asymmetric Canards 


    As the future development trend of precision attack Ammunition, projectile trajectory correction and related technology become a hotspot research. dual-spin trajectory correction projectile with asymmetric canards is a two-dimensional trajectory correction projectiles, low cost, high efficiency, but its aerodynamic characteristics complex.

    In order to study aerodynamic characteristics of dual-spin trajectory correction projectile with asymmetric canards. The use of numerical methods for its flow field simulation. its lift, drag coefficient and moment coefficient with Mach number, angle of attack variation were studied. Through the analysis obtained: the drag coefficient is still in line with the law of 43 years; the easiest situation to manipulate is when transonic; projectile steering mechanism uniform rotation, lift and pitching moment coefficient of variation showed a cosine function type. The results can provide guidance methods and data support for dual-spin projectile Aerodynamic design and engineering applications.

    Keywords  2-dimension trajectory correction projectile  spinning projectile  canard   numerical calculation  aerodynamic characteristics

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 弹道修正弹发展历程 1

    1.3 国内外发展研究现状 2

    1.4 本文的研究框架 4

    2 气动力计算的数值方法 5

    2.1 控制方程 5

    2.2 湍流模型 6

    3 计算方法验证 8

    3.1 SOCBT弹 8

    3.2 M549弹 12

    3.3 本章小结 16

    4 固定鸭舵式双旋修正弹气动特性分析 17

    4.1 静态计算 17

    4.2 瞬态计算 32

    4.3 本章小结 37

    结   论 38

    致  谢 39

    参考文献 40

    1 绪论

    1.1 研究背景及意义


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