

    关键词  适配器  结构设计  分离力计算 分离过程分析


    Title   Lightweight Adapter Design And Separation Process Analysis


    This paper introduces the relationship among the function, materials and structure of missile adapter. And design the structure of adapter and calculate the parameter. First introduced the missile adapter research status at home and abroad;Secondly introduces the missile adapter structure of this paper,especially on the adapter and missile interface between projectile question has carried on the detailed instructions;Then is to determine the parameters of missile adapter,according to the size of the missile body,determine the size of the missile adapter,to determine the quality of the missile adapter;Again on the adapter missile separation security and so on has carried on the detailed calculation.Finally by using Adams software,missile adapter separation process in the process of missile simulation,all parameters to verify that the missile adapter is reasonable,the calculation results are correct.

    Keywords:  Adapter,  Structure,  Separating force calculation,  Separation process analysis

    目   次

    1.绪论 1

    1.1课题来源及目的意义 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1国内适配器研究的发展与现状 2

    1.2.2国外适配器研究的发展与现状 3

    1.3本课题的主要研究内容 4

    2.轻质适配器的结构设计 6

    2.1适配器的作用及其设计依据 6

    2.2适配器的结构与选材 7

    2.2.1适配器的结构 7

    2.2.2适配器的选材 8

    2.3适配器与弹体的接口设计 9

    3. 适配器参数的确定 11

    3.1适配器在导弹弹体上的定位 11

    3.2适配器的尺寸 11

    3.3适配器的质量 12

    3.4适配器的预压缩量 13

    4.分离机构以及分离力设计 14

    4.1分离机构设计 14

    4.2适配器的分离过程 15

    4.3选择提供分离力所需的弹簧 18

    5. 分离过程中的安全性问题 20

    5.1导弹运载体的安全问题 20


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