

    关键词  麦克纳姆轮  PID控制  STM32F405   随动


    Title         A embedded control system design   of a tank for Robomasters Competition                           


    The research of mobile robot is a typical, very extensively studied research of robots,Robomasters is the leading mobile robot competitions, the main content of the game is for a variety of mobile robots with the UAV tactical confrontation.This paper introduces the design of embedded control systems for a tank robot based on this game. The firing mechanism is achieved by means of the friction wheels,and it is mounted on the head mechanism, the movement of the whole system is through Mecanum wheels. The control system is based on STM32F405, including the corresponding control algorithms and overall control structures as well as the communication interface with the pattern recognition system. The system overall control structure is pided into four layers. In addition, the modules includes a control algorithm Mecanum wheel chassis, head servo system control algorithm, emission control systems, etc., and the application of fuzzy control algorithm is applied to improve the control Mecanum wheel. Eventually the desired functions, firing mechanism, servo Chasis, omniderectional wheel movement are achieved and the robot shows a good perfomance.

    Keywords  Mecanum wheel,  PID control , STM32F405 , servo system

    目   次

    1. 绪论 1

    1.1. 引言 1

    1.2. 移动机器人研究现状 1

    1.3. 课题来源及意义 2

    1.4. 本文的主要研究内容 3

    2. 机器人系统介绍 5

    2.1. 机器人的机械结构 5

    2.2. 机器人的控制系统 8

    2.3. 本章小结 15

    3. 麦克纳姆轮移动平台控制系统的设计与实现 16

    3.1. 麦克纳姆轮移动平台的运动学研究 16

    3.2. 麦克纳姆轮移动平台的控制系统 21

    3.3. 基于常规PID的控制算法 24

    3.4. 基于模糊理论的模糊PID自适应控制算法 33

    3.5. 本章小结 41

    4. 发射系统控制算法的实现 42

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