

    关键词   质量管理信息系统  汽车变速器  QFD  质量改进  ER模型


    Title    Quality management and design of automobile transmission                     


    The quality management information system is the core operation link of the manufacturing enterprise to the product quality control, the reasonable quality management information system can guarantee the enterprise product quality and the information collection. While the traditional manufacturing industry in the information management of serious neglect, the need to design the corresponding information management system to the enterprise management. In Iveco automobile transmission company quality management and design as the research object of the thesis, the problems analysis, re design of the quality management system and information system. Application of QFD ability analysis of automobile gearbox needs to carry on the analysis, focus of outstanding customer needs; permutation graph method of transmission quality improvement programs provide a powerful tool for analysis. Finally through the data flow chart were information management system framework design, more number of design according to the library of the ER model to provide a strong guarantee.

    Keywords  Quality management information system  automobile transmission  QFD  quality improvement  ER model

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题简介 1

    1.2 本文主要结构安排 1

    2 汽车变速器的客户需求分析 3

    2.1 汽车变速器的结构分析 3

    2.2 汽车变速器的工艺流程 4

    2.3 汽车变速器的客户需求项 7

    3 汽车变速器质量设计 15

    3.1 QFD设计 15

    3.2 汽车变速器质量计划制定 19

    3.3 汽车变速器的质量控制 23

    3.4 质量改进 26

    4 汽车变速器质量管理信息管理 31

    4.1 质量管理信息系统的选用 31

    4.2 质量管理信息系统的建立 31

    结论 39

    致谢 40

    参考文献 41

    1 绪论

    1.1 本课题简介

    1.1.1 课题来源及主要内容


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