    毕业论文关键词:  转子;纸浆;碎浆
    The concentration of hydraulic pulper design
    Abstract: Pulper is a broken cardboard and paper, the production of secondary fibers in the paper recycling a mechanical device. Transmission and rotor design and its importance in the design process. In recent years, a number of paper companies have established a separate paper as a laboratory research and development and improve the place. In their laboratory research and development to reduce business costs and promote the improvement of corporate paper technology and improve production efficiency, but also greatly enhance the efficiency of enterprises.   The graduation project is the concentration of hydraulic pulper design, I learned about the concentration of hydraulic pulper from the final manufacturing process knowledge, assembly and other aspects of the design, verification, and to improve, develop their own practical ability .In the design, I was first in the concentration of hydraulic pulper analysis and research to understand the pulper works and use of the pulper main structural design to demonstrate. Then, the structure and groove structure pulper rotors were designed and calculated in checking the concentration of hydraulic pulper rotor assembly of the main components were the main components and assembly drawing of FIG.
    Key words: rotor; pulp; Crushing pulp
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的背景    1
    1.2  废纸碎浆设备    1
    1.3  课题的实际应用和意义    3
    1.4  课题的关键与难点    3
    1.4.1  电机的选择与启动方式    3
    1.4.2  转子的选择    3
    1.4.3  碎浆时的浓度    3
        1.4.4  传动系统                                                          4
    2  设计方案论证    5
    2.1  中浓水力碎浆机的结构形式设计方案    5
    2.2  主要设计方案    8
    2.3  转子的选择改进    9
    2.4  带轮的设计    10
    2.5  皮带的设计    11
    2.6  轴承的选择    12
    2.7  密封装置的选用    12
    2.8  润滑系统的设计    13
    3  主要零部件结构设计    14
    3.1  槽体的设计    14
    3.2  机架结构设计    15
    3.3  转子总成设计    15
    3.3.1  电动机的选择    16
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