    摘要:废纸碎浆机是用来处理浆板损纸和废纸的主要设备。废纸的碎浆制浆是整个废纸造纸生产的第一步。制得纸浆的优劣将直接影响到纸张的质量,因此,废纸碎浆机对于造纸生产来说是十分重要的。废纸碎浆机的主要部件是转盘和槽体。它的碎解作用主要是转盘叶片的机械作用和转盘回转时所引起的水力剪切作用,形成浆流的循环和物料的摩擦,从而把物料碎解。废纸造纸也是一种绿色环保的造纸技术。     6777
    关键词:  转子;纸浆;碎解
    The Design of Waste Paper Pulper
    Abstract: Waste paper pulper is the main equipment to deal with damaged paper and waste paper. In the process of papermaking, waste paper pulp is the first step. As the quality of the pulp will directly affect the quality of paper, waste paper pulper is very important for paper making. Waste paper pulper’s main components are turntable and tub.The main deflaking function of the waste paper pulper is caused by the mechanical action of the blades and the turntable turntable rotation, the formation of the circulation of the slurry stream and the friction of the material, thus the material is broken solution.Waste paper papermaking is an environment-friendly technology.
    This graduation design topic is to design the waste paper pulper. The design firstly introduced the working principle and classification of waste paper pulper, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of various types of waste paper, understand the working principle and usage of waste paper pulp and conducted proposal research of components. Then, the paper designed the shafts structure and the main structure of waste paper pulper rotor, calculated the data of main components, finally, carried out the design of the drawings and main components.
    Key words:  rotor; pulp, deflaking
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的背景    1
    1.2  废纸碎浆设备    1
    1.3  课题的实际应用和意义    4
    1.4  课题的关键与难点    4
    1.4.1  传动系统    4
    1.4.2  电机的选择    4
    1.4.3  润滑系统    5
    1.4.4  各环节的密封问题    5
    2  设计方案论证    7
    2.1  废纸碎浆机的工作原理    7
    2.2  废纸碎浆机的工作方式    7
    2.3  主要设计方案    8
    2.4  叶轮的设计    10
    2.5  带轮的设计    11
    2.6  皮带的设计    12
    2.7  轴承的选择    12
    2.8  密封装置的选用    13
    2.9  润滑系统的设计    15
    3  主要零部件结构设计    16
    3.1  槽体的设计    16
    3.2  机架结构设计    17
    3.3  转子总成设计    17
    3.3.1  电动机的选择    18
    3.3.2  叶轮直径的选择    19
    3.3.3  主轴材料选择    19
    3.3.4  主轴转速的计算    19
    3.3.5  主轴的计算和校核    21
    3.4  传动系统计算    25
    3.4.1  带轮的初选计算    25
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