    毕业论文关键词: 凸轮轴;表面缺陷;检测;
    Camshaft surface defect detecting mechanism design eddy current testing
    systemAbstract: Cam mechanism widely used in automated machinery, automatic control system, is a major factor affecting engine valve opening and closing the gap size and gas distribution efficiency. With the camshaft increasing levels of process automation, order processing, assess its various high technology error, and correct precision, high efficiency detection of the camshaft, quality information feedback quickly camshaft, conventional optical mechanical meter method camshaft been unable to meet the actual testing process quality management needs, so using eddy current testing system NDT this approach to the camshaft surface defect detection for the future design of such products have some reference and reference.
    This article clearly illustrates the camshaft surface eddy current flaw detection system mechanism design process, mainly studied the selection process from the overall structure of the motor, and the selection rules and methods of the various parts, the paper detailed formulas and calculations, each We are in strict accordance with the formula given in accordance with the relevant books, have a high reference value.
    Theoretically, this set of equipment can meet various requirements from the camshaft detected fed the whole process, various parameters can be other devices with the camshaft surface defect detection means of eddy current testing system to match.
    Keywords:  Camshaft; surface defects; detecting means;
    摘         要    1
    1. 绪论    4
    1.1 课题研究目的及意义    4
    1.2 凸轮轴的构造    5
    1.3 凸轮轴测量仪国内外研究动态    7
    1.3.1 国外凸轮轴测量仪的现状    8
    1.3.2 国内凸轮轴测量发展历程    9
    二.涡流检测系统的设计    13
     2.1凸轮轴检测方式的确定     13
    2.1.1检测设备的精度问题    13
    2.1.2检测设备的价格问题    13
    2.1.3检测的经济效益问题    13
    2.2 涡流检测    14
    2.3 凸轮轴检测方法    14
    2.4 凸轮轴测量仪整体设计    16
    2.4.1 凸轮轴测量仪的测量原理    18
    2.4.2 主要组成    19
    2.4.3 凸轮轴测量仪设计方案    19
    2.5 凸轮轴测量仪的数据处理    20
    2.5.1 凸轮桃尖的确定    20
    2.5.2 角度基准的确定    21
    2.5.3 凸轮升程的计算    21
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