    关键词:模具设计;冲压模具;工艺方案; 结构设计;
        Die design with a deck lights class into the ship                                
    Abstract : Punching die has been widely used in industrial. more Self-acting feed technology of punching die is also used in production, punching die could increase the efficience of production and could alleviate the work burden,so it has significant meaning in technologic progress and economic value. In this design, first we use the 3D sculpt function of UG to create 3D model of the part.  During the procedure, the workpiece’s craftwork character is analyzed ,the workpiece’s 2-D drawing and 3-D mold are made, so that the workpiece can be better comprehended. Learn the structural craftwork character of the workpiece, so does the drawing and forming craftwork character. Make sure the workpiece’s  craft project, compare them and make the final disicion. Calculate the size of the roughcast and select its shape. Calculate the times of the drawings , make sure the size of the semi-manufactured workpiece  of every steps, and draw the working procedure’s  sketch. Calculate the every working pressure, design and draw die’s sketch, select every appropriate parts. Comprehend every needed dies’ character and the issues that is needed to be payed more attention. On the base of the dies’ sketch ,the dies’structure is analyzed, and then go on designing their structures and selecting punch equipments.  
    Keywords: die design; stamping die;manufacture ;structure design;
    目 录
    1绪论 1
    1.1前言 1
    1.2设计课题的依据和结论 5
    2冲裁件的工艺分析 6
    2.1工件材料 6
    2.2工件结构形状 6
    2.3 工件尺寸精度 7
    3 模具结构形式的确定 8
    4 模具总体设计 10
    4.1 模具类型的选择 10
    4.2 操作方式 10
    4.3 卸料、出件方式 10
     4.3.1卸料方式 10
     4.3.2出件方式 10
    4.4 确定送料方式 10
    4.5 确定导向方式 11
    5 模具设计计算 12
    5.1 排样、计算条料宽度、确定步距、材料利用率 12
    5.1.1排样方式的选择 12
    5.1.2计算条料的宽度 12
    5.1.3确定步距 14
    5.1.4计算材料的利用率 15
    5.2 冲压力的计算 16
    5.2.1折弯力计算 16
    5.2.2卸料力 17
    5.2.3总冲压力 17
    5.3 计算压力中心 17
    5.4落料刃口尺寸计算 18
    6 主要零部件设计 19
    6.1 工作零部件的结构设计 19
    6.1.1凸模 19
    6.1.2凹模 20
    6.2模柄的设计 22
    6.3垫板的设计 22
    6.4定位零件的设计 23
    6.4.1固定挡料销的设计 23
    6.4.2定位销的设计 23
    6.4.3圆柱销的设计 24
    6.5 卸料板的设计 24
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