    Car calipers CNC processing technology
    and flexible modular fixture design
    Abstract: The object of this research for the automotive caliper CNC machining technology and flexible modular fixture design. First, because the braking action is to finalize the caliper clamp body, and its importance is self-evident. So it can be said caliper brake system is a key component.
    This topic includes parts machining process analysis, the brake clamp with clamping program development, UG-based parts assembly. In the process of analysis would be the first structural dimensions of the parts analysis of the characteristics and select parts of the processing benchmarks. Then step on the part of the process for each size calculation, the key is to determine the various processes of technical equipment and cutting. Flexible then combined fixture design, selection and design of the fixture positioning element, the clamping element, the guide member, the machine specific folder and other parts of the connecting member; parts by finite element analysis to determine the precision in the process of impact fixture layout rationality and shortcomings, and optimization.
    Automotive caliper CNC machining technology and flexible modular fixture design the part of the subject analysis, selection and formulation process, fixture design together. In the design process, need to be considered part of the structural characteristics analysis, process is reasonable, machine selection, processing and low cost, fixture layout, positioning and clamping reliability and so on. This topic is based on the fixture UG and AutoCAD computer-aided design
    Keywords: calipers, digital processing technology, the flexible modular fixture.

    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2 概况与现状分析    1
    1.2.1 制动钳概况    2
    1.2.2 制动器分析    2
    1.3 汽车制动钳的发展趋势    5
    1.4 汽车制动钳的制动过程    6
    1.4.1 鼓式制动器    6
    1.4.2 盘式制动器    7
    1.4.3 浮盘式制动器    7
    1.5 数控加工工艺    8
    1.6 柔性组合夹具    8
    2 汽车制动钳的加工工艺    9
    2.1 制动钳零件结构特点    11
    2.2 工件加工尺寸分析    13
    2.3 工艺规划    14
    2.3.1 加工工艺的设计原则    14
    2.3.2 加工工艺的制定    14
    2.3.3 选择并确定加工工艺    15
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