    摘要千斤顶称为举重设备,顶重机械,起重机是一种具有相对小的力可以在举重,降或简单工具移,也可以用于校正设备安装的变形和组分如的偏差如。千斤顶主要用于工业,交通运输等部门作为车辆修理及其它起重和支持工作。其结构轻巧坚固,灵活可靠,一人即可携带和操作。杰克在轻小型起重设备,为400mm顶升高度举重硬质顶部的电梯作为工作装置,通过在短距离顶部或底部支架爪支架,提升速度一般为10-35mm /分钟,重功率可达至500t。千斤顶根据结构和不同的工作原理,通常分为机械和液压和机械千斤顶和齿条和两个螺旋,该螺旋千斤顶和液压千斤顶更常用;由于重量小,费力的操作,所以螺旋千斤顶一般只用于机械维修工作,在工艺不适用的桥的修复。液压千斤顶结构紧凑,运行平稳,自锁作用的优势。的缺点是,在提升高度是有限的,升降速度是缓慢的。杰克架重量一般不超过20吨,而且由于空气中的水分滋润到码头上的工作,暴露在空气中易氧化生锈的维护维修困难,所以不能满足设计要求。液压千斤顶,以满足重量的要求,但由于工作介质为液压油,容易泄漏,不能长时间支撑重物或会造成污染,甚至导致危险事故。因此,它不能满足设计要求。该螺旋千斤顶不仅能满足要求,而且还可以支持高负荷长时间。选择适当的密封箱的空气隔离开来。所以选择螺旋千斤顶。46401
    ABSTRACT Jack called weight lifting device, a top heavy machinery, lifting machine is a with relatively small force can the weight lifting, descending or shift of simple tools, can also be used to correct the deformation of the equipment installation and the deviation of the component such as. Jack is mainly used for industrial, transportation and other departments as vehicle repair and other lifting and supporting work. Its structure is light and strong, flexible and reliable, one person can carry and operate. Jack is made of rigid top lifts as a working device, through the bracket at the top or bottom bracket claws in the short distance in lifting weights in the light small lifting equipment, jack lifting height of 400mm, the lifting speed is generally 10-35mm/min, heavy power up to 500t. Jack according to the structure and the working principle of different, usually pided into mechanical and hydraulic and mechanical jacks and rack and two spiral, which screw jacks and hydraulic jack is more commonly used; because of small weight, laborious operation, so screw jack generally used only for mechanical maintenance work, in the repair of the bridge in the process does not apply. The hydraulic jack has the advantages of compact structure, stable operation and self locking action. The disadvantage is that the lifting height is limited, lifting speed is slow. Jack rack weight is generally not more than 20 tons, and because of the moisture moisture in the air to work on the docks, exposed in the air easily oxidized rust maintenance maintenance difficulties, so can not meet the design requirements. Hydraulic jack to meet the requirements of the weight, but because the working medium is hydraulic oil, easy to leak, not long time to support heavy weights or will cause pollution and even lead to dangerous accidents. So it can not meet the design requirements. The screw jack can not only meet the requirements, but also can support the heavy load for a long time. Select the proper sealing box to isolate the air. So choose screw jack.
    Key words: Screw jack; self-locking; jack; maintenance。
     目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2课题研究的基本内容    1
    1.3设计任务    2
    第二章  总体设计    3
    2.1机构工作要求    3
  1. 上一篇:双绳牵引机械钢丝绳张力平衡装置的设计+EXB图纸
  2. 下一篇:烧伤辅助医疗产品数字化设计+EXB图纸
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