    ABSTRACT Nowadays science and technology is the first productivity, are inseparable from the development of industry of science and technology, which robot technology has penetrated into sea development, space exploration, mining, architecture, medical, agriculture and forestry, services, entertainment etc. in various industries, so now all countries are developing robot industry, intelligent vehicle robot design of integration platform is a vigorously development direction. The device comprises a vehicle part and a mechanical part, wherein, the mechanical part is an automatic device which is used in the automatic production process and has the function of grasping and moving the workpiece. Is a given program, track and requirements to achieve automatic capture, handling and operation of the automatic device. Manipulator generally consists of four parts: control system, drive system, actuator and detection device. The actuating mechanism is composed of a mechanical part of the hand and wrist. The driving part is composed of the steering gear, which is responsible for the movement of the actuating mechanism. The control system adopts single chip microcomputer, which is used to control the drive part. The detecting device is a sensor, which is used for collecting signals. Through such a closed loop control system, the intelligent vehicle robot can reach the goal of grasping and transportation.
    Key words: intelligent vehicle robot; manipulator;  controller
    目    录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1机械手的发展史    1
    1.2机械手研究的意义    1
    第二章  总体设计方案    2
    2.1总体任务分配    2
    2.2总体控制方案设计    2
    2.3控制系统设计    3
    2.4控制方案选择    4
    第三章 机械结构设计    5
    3.1位姿描述    5
    3.1.1方位描述    5
    3.1.2坐标变换    6
    3.2机械手部结构设计    7
    3.3机械手腕手爪功能    9
    3.4动力学分析    10
    第四章  控制方案设计    15
    4.1控制系统硬件设计    15
    4.2驱动系统设计    15
    4.2.1驱动器的选型    15
    4.2.2机械手爪和手腕的电机使用    16
    4.3传感系统设计    17
    第五章  机械手爪手腕的调试及仿真实验    19
    5.1PID控制    19
    5.1.1数字PID控制    19
    5.1.2 PID产数的整定    19
    5.2运动学分析    20
    5.3机械手爪手腕的仿真实验    21
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