    This graduation design is the design of the variable speed packaged goods from plastic conveyor system.The first design on the conveyor belt system and dresser system made a simple description, and then analysis of goods from the plastic bags detailed calculation of variable speed transmission system, force analysis and selection principles, after a detailed calculation and stress analysis, on the basis of the design principle and selective principle to select the appropriate hardware to the overall design, and then to the chosen of the conveyor belt and checking calculation of main components of dresser, finally choose to control part of the system hardware to complete the goods since the plastic bags variable speed transmission design of the system design.Conveyor belt is mainly composed of the following several parts, belt, roller, shaft coupling and motor, frame, tension device, and lead back to the device, in the design of the plastic device, can choose center around cylindrical and square column.The graduation design combining mechanical aspects, control, complete the automatic production line of packaged goods from plastic conveyor system design.
    Key words: conveying system;Packaged goods;Control system;Dresser
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1课题背景及选题意义    1
    1.2国内外研究近状和发展状况    1
    第二章  自整形输送系统设计    2
    2.1课题认识与总体方案设计    2
    2.2输送系统结构    2
    2.3整形系统结构    3
    第三章  机械结构设计计算    4
    3.1已知原始数据及工作条件    4
    3.2验算带宽    4
    3.3运输阻力、张力及功率的计算    5
    3.3.1运输阻力计算    5
    3.3.2输送带张力计算    6
    3.4传动滚筒的选用    7
    3.4.1传动滚筒结构    7
    3.4.2传动滚筒的设计    8
    3.4.3传动滚筒轴的设计计算    11
    3.4.4输送带牵引力与电功率计算    14
    3.5输送带的选用    15
    3.6托辊的选用    15
    3.7电机的选用    16
    3.8联轴器的选用    16
    3.9整形器的设计    17
    第四章  控制系统设计    18
    4.1运动过程分析    18
    4.2控制系统部件选用    18
    4.2.1接近开关的选择    18
    4.2.2传感器的选用    18
    4.2.3变频器的选择    19
    4.2.4 I/O端子输入与输出    19
    4.2.5 PLC的选择    20
    4.3电气原理图    21
    4.4程序流程图    22
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