    关键词  “三明治”加速度计 结构设计 量程 分辨率  
    Title  The design technologies of the “sandwich” micro accelerometer                                               
    The micro machined accelerometer is a very important kind of micro inertial device which is used in aeronautics and astronautics, automobile industry, petroleum exploration, earthquake forecast and so on. The “sandwich” micro accelerometer have the advantage of  high measurement precision、good noise characteristic, low drift, low temperature sensitivity and power consumption. Because of these advantages, the “sandwich” micro accelerometer was extensively studied.
    In this paper, a “sandwich” accelerometer was designed. First, the working principle and process were introduced and the theories of capacitive accelerometer described in detail. Then the structure was designed based on the test range and resolution,and the specific structure of “sandwich” accelerometer was determined. According to the results of theoretical analysis,the resolutin of the accelerometer reaches to 0.041mg,and the range of 53.5g, which meet the design requirements. The finite element analysis software ANSYS was used to simulate the structure and the simulation results are coincide the the theoretical design. At last,the impacts of process errors on the performance of the accelerometer were analyzed. The results show that the structure of the accelerometer still meet the design requirements within the range of process errors.
    Keywords “Sandwich”accelerometer  Structural design  Test range Resolution
    第一章 绪论 1
    1.2 MEMS加速度计的研究及发展现状 2
    第二章 三明治式加速度计工作原理 6
    2.1 “三明治”加速度计的工作机理6
    2.1.1 结构组成  6
    2.1.2 动力学6
    2.2 “三明治”加速度计理论分析 10
    2.2.1 挠性梁的设计 10
    2.2.2 负刚度计算 11
    2.2.3 布朗噪声 12
    2.2.4 量程理论分析 12
    2.3 “三明治”加速度计加工工艺 12
    2.4 本章小结 14第三章 结构设计与仿真分析15
    3.1结构设计 15
    3.1.1电容的选择 15
    3.1.2质量块尺寸 16
    3.1.3支撑梁尺寸 17
    3.1.4“三明治”加速度计性能参数理论分析 18
    3.2 仿真分析18
    3.2.1 模态仿真19
    3.2.2 静力学仿真23
    3.3 本章小结25
    第四章 加工误差分析 27
    4.1 支撑梁加工误差分析27
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