




    Diesel engine piston is one of important sports a diesel engine, because its environment is quite cruel, namely high temperature high load high speed bad lubrication and cooling difficult, etc, to make it a diesel engine parts more common faults because one of the technical level of the diesel engine is gradually increased to 4105 series high-speed diesel engine piston of frequent operation, and the average effective in cylinder pressure and temperature rise sharply, driving the piston in such cruel conditions, of course, the piston become the strengthening of a diesel engine is the most obvious obstacle after appearing to relevant design of such a topic: how to ensure a diesel engine performance in improving the premise, improve the work of the durability of the piston and reliability research shows that: through the reasonable detailed piston group design, can effectively improve the reliability and durability of diesel engine work, The main task of design is 4105 series high-speed diesel engine piston group of design, including the head of the piston piston skirt piston ring the piston pin the piston pin a design.

    The design of the piston selected materials are: high temperature resistant, thermal expansion coefficient little, a small proportion of the eutectic al-si alloy through the reasonable calculation and check and reasonable head height design, so as to effectively reduce the piston mechanical load and the heat load and enhance the piston life and wear resistance.

    Key word: diesel engine: the piston, piston skirt: the piston pin


    第一章  绪 论 1

    1.1选题背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 1

    1.3 论文的主要工作 2

    1.4研究方法、步骤和措施 2

    第二章  4105四冲程柴油机活塞组的设计 3

    2.1活塞的工作条件和设计要求 3

    2.1.1 活塞的工作条件和设计要求 3

    2.1.2活塞组的作用与特点 4

    2.1.3活塞的润滑 5

    2.1.4设计要求 5

    2.2活塞连杆的受力分析 7

    2.2.1活塞的位移 8

    2.2.2活塞的速度 9


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