




    The edge milling machine which is required to fastly and efficiently process various types of groove, edge, and can milling molding at the first time is mainly used for large ship steel plate welding processing, At the same time,to meet the requirement of green production, the machine is designd to equipped with the automatic removal of iron device.With reference to the structure of German CNC double milling machine ,this paper is mainly discussed on overall architecture and compaction mechanism of the milling machine, while it analysises of the working principle and characteristics, determines the main working parameters and designs of machine tool, the overall layout, bed, table, column, beam by using SolidWorks and ANSYS software to build a3D model,  finite element analysis key parts.

    As a result of ship plate is relatively large, the general machine tool clamping mechanism can not satisfy the processing request,finally hydraulic cylinder is choosed to lift and press the plate;To ensure the rigidity and stability of i beam girder welding reinforcing plates are used ;Steel conveyor also has been designed with the hydraulic cylinder device, to guarantee the smooth delivery of finished steel.In addition, the design also takes into full consideration the processing convenience and aesthetics.

    Key Words:Edge milling machine;Green production;Beams;Pressing device

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 3

    1.1 设计的主要内容 3

    1.2 设计的主要任务 4

    1.3 本章小结 5

    第二章 方案设计 6

    2.1造型与使用方便性 6

    2.2整体方案设计 6

    2.2.1机床整体介绍 6

    2.2.2设计方案比较 7

    第三章 床身设计 9

    3.1导轨设计 9

    3.1.1导轨应满足的要求 9

    3.1.2导轨材料的选择 10

    3.1.3导轨的润滑与维护 11

    3.2床身设计 11

    3.2.1床身的结构设计 12

    第四章 横梁的设计 14

    4.1横梁设计的要求 14

    4.2梁的截面选择 14


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