    摘要考虑到特种设备的稳定性在工作过环境中会被载体运动的干扰。通过稳定平台消除载体的干扰,设法达到设备工作环境的稳定,保障设备的正常工作状态。在论文中,提出了一种两级稳定平台:基础的初步调整由一级平台完成,大幅降低扰动程度;二级平台通过对一级平台的调整结果再次调整,达到精度要求内的消除干扰的作用。本文着重于对两级平台的稳定系统进行研究。论文首先简要介绍了稳定平台的常见结构。通过对设计要求的分析,选择了一些符合设计要求的关键部件选型,设计了串联结构的两级级平台。对两级平台机械结构进行设计。对于姿态测量系统,选取了高性能传感器,保证姿态信息的实时采集。选取 TMS320F28335DSP 控制器作为一级平台主控制器,Atmega2560 作为二级平台控制系统主控芯片,选取的芯片有较高运算处理能力和良好的控制能力。控制电路的设计的选用在于主控芯片。基于控制系统硬件,完成了软件系统的设计,将控制电路、测姿传感器以及电机驱动器的通信结合。完成两种 PID控制算法。针对两级级平台的动态静态环境进行实验,对实验数据进行分析。42014
    Taking into account,the stability of special equipment will be disturbed by the carriers in the working environment.In order to make sure the stabilityof the equipment,Using a stable platform to eliminate the effect of vehicleshaking. This paper introduce a two-stage stable platform: Basically,The firststage platform to mainly eliminate the disturbance; And then,The second stageplatform eliminate disturbance further to achieve stable.This paper laid emphasis on studying the control technology system of stableplatform. Firstly,the common introduction of stable platform is described .Through the analysis of the design requirements. Choosing some key part of theconcept of design.A stabilized platform of series arrangement is designed. Setup the mechanical design of the two stage platform. High-performance sensorwas built up to ensure get the attitude information of the acquisition system.TMS320F28335DSP was chosen to be the master control chip of the first stageplatform while Atmega2560 for the second stage platform , which both containshigh processing capacity with better control ability. So the control circuitcould be designed . the software system is designed on the basis of hardwaresystem. Then the establish the connection control circuit with sensor and motordriver . Two different types of PID control was designed according to thesystem.Static experiments and dynamic experiments were performanced to testthe stability of the equipment,and the data was calculated and analysized.
    Keywords: Stable Platform, acquisition system, PID

    目 次

    1 绪论.1

    1.1 研究背景及意义..1

    1.2 国内外研究现状..1

    1.3 本文主要研究内容.3

    2 稳定平台结构设计.. 4

    2.1 结构方案选择 4

    2.1.1 常见结构设计方法 4

    2.1.2 两级稳定平台结构设计.5

    2.2 一级平台设计 6

    2.3 二级平台设计 6

    2.3.1 驱动器与电机的选择..7

    2.3.2 涡轮蜗杆选型8

    2.3.3 制动器选型..10

    2.4 稳定平台总体结构..10

    2.5 本章小结.11

    3 两级平台测控系统硬件设计. 12

    3.1 一级稳定平台硬件系统设计.12

    3.1.1 一级平台数姿态传感器12

    3.1.2 一级稳定平台的伺服控制器 13

    3.1.3 一级平台伺服电机及驱动器 14

    3.2 二级稳定平台硬件设计 15

    3.2.1 二级平台姿态传感器.15

    3.2.2 二级平台主控芯片选型16

    3.2.3 二级平台电机及驱动器..17

    3.3 本章小结.18

    4.稳定平台控制方案.. 19

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