    实验结果表明:本传感器能够检测 至 范围内的磁场,且具有较好的线性度,灵敏度和重复性,达到了预定的技术指标。6605
    关键词  霍尔效应  线性  温度补偿   单片机   串口通信
    Title    Design of Hall magnetic sensors                            
    Hall sensor can be used to measure not only magnetic field, but also electric current, velocity, position, angle and spin speed. And Hall magnetic sensors have numerous advantages, and make it easy to make probes in special specifications to realize the measurement under different circumstances. Therefore, the design of the Hall magnetic sensors is of great significance.
    The basic theory of Hall effect is introduced, then the operating principle of Hall magnetic sensors is analyzed in detail. With the test on characteristic of the hall element, the overall framework of the sensor is confirmed. Next, the experimental system of the magnetic sensor is designed, which is composed of the excitation signal circuit, amplifier filter circuit, data acquisition circuit, and corresponding functional software etc.. Using the Multisim software, the signal conditioning circuit is simulated and debugged practically. At last, the global debugging of the sensor system and the static calibrations are accomplished, and the static characteristics of the sensor are given.
    The experimental result shows that the sensor system, which can     measure the static weak magnetic field ranging from to , has an excellent linearity, high sensitivity and good repeatability, and could reach the requirements of the specification.
    Keywords  Hall effect  Linearity  Temperature compensation   SCM   Serial communication
    目   次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究的背景及意义    1
    1.2    国内外霍尔传感器的研究现状及应用    2
    1.3    本课题的研究内容    4
    2    霍尔效应的原理    5
    2.1    霍尔效应的基本原理    5
    2.2    霍尔效应的附加效应及消除办法    6
    2.3    霍尔元件的构成与基本特性    7
    3    霍尔磁传感器方案的制定    9
    3.1    霍尔磁传感器总体结构设计    9
    3.2    霍尔元件的选择    10
    4    霍尔磁传感器系统硬件电路设计    12
    4.1    霍尔磁传感器模拟电路设计    12
    4.2    霍尔磁传感器数字电路设计    20
    5    霍尔磁传感器系统软件设计    22
    5.1    系统软件总体设计    22
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