    摘要横向效应增强型侵彻体(Penetrator with Enhanced Lateral Effect, PELE),是一种集穿甲和破片毁伤功能于一体的新型侵彻体,主要包括壳体和弹芯两部分。壳体由高密度材料构成,如钨合金,主要承担侵彻作用及穿透目标后产生破片;弹芯由低密度材料构成,如尼龙或者聚乙烯等。PELE 作用机理为:PELE 与目标接触时,由于外壳侵彻能力较弹芯强,侵彻靶板较快,而弹芯则相对较慢,受到靶板的挤压力,在壳体与靶板间膨胀,对外壳产生径向高压作用,此时壳体在径向压力和靶板的作用力的作用下平衡,当弹丸穿透靶板后,平衡状态消失,壳体在径向力的作用下破裂产生破片。串联结构 PELE 战斗部是将两级或多级单个 PELE 侵彻体串联起来,能有效侵彻多层靶。 本文运用理论计算和仿真分析相结合的办法,用两级侵彻体串联侵彻两层靶,探究PELE 的作用原理及着靶速度、弹芯材料、内外径比、长径比和壳体材料对其的影响规律,并得出最佳参数范围,为实际工程运用打下基础。   41695
      Title  Research on lateral effect of series structure  Abstract Enhanced lateral effect Penetrator (Penetrator with Enhanced Lateral Effect, PELE), is a set of armor-piercing and fragmentation damage function in one of the new penetrator, including housing and pits two parts. Housing made of high-density material, such as tungsten  alloy, is mainly responsible for penetration and generate action after fragment penetrating target; elastic core made of low-density material, such as nylon or the like polyethylene. PELE mechanism is: when in contact with the target PELE, since the housing penetration capability than the pits strong Penetrating Target faster than the bomb core is relatively slow, the target plate by a pressing force in the housing and Targets between the expansion of the housing radial high pressure, this time under the action of radial pressure housing and Target force balance when the projectile penetrates the target plate, the balance disappears, the role of housing in the radial force under rupture generated fragments. PELE tandem warhead structure is two or more stages in series single PELE projectile, effective multi-target penetration. In this paper, with theoretical calculation and simulation analysis, the combination of series with two levels of penetration penetration of two layers of target, explore the role of PELE, principle and target velocity, the core material, diameter ratio, ratio of length to diameter and shell material on the influence law of, and it is concluded that the best parameter range, lays the foundation for practical engineering application.  
      Keywords:  the transverse effect;  in series; multi layer target; projectile target parameter.
    目   次  
    1   绪论1
        1.1   引言1
        1.2  国内外研究现状3
        1.3  发展趋势5
        1. 4  研究方法及内容5
    2   串联 PELEL 效应理论模型7
        2.1   基本假设7
        2.2   PELE 受力分析及计算7
        2.3   PELE 速度计算9
    3   不同因素对串联 PELE 效应影响的仿真研究18
        3.1   ANSYS 软件简介18
        3.2   仿真模型18
        3.3   仿真分析前言19
        3.4   着靶速度对串联结构PELE效应的影响19
        3.5   弹芯材料对串联结构PELE效应的影响24
        3.6   内外径比对串联结构PELE效应的影响28
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