    毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要      在这篇文章中以汽车试验用的无人驾驶机器人驱动系统中圆筒型永磁动圈式直流直线电机为分析对象,通过有限元数值计算方法对电机进行仿真研究,建立了电磁场与位移场的耦合模型,并且研究了线圈匝数与电机动圈速度响应的关系。 首先对无人驾驶机器人在汽车试验中的广泛应用以及用于驱动驾驶机器人的直线电机的特性进行了简要叙述,并且介绍了直线电机国内外的发展以及研究现状。然后简要论述了永磁直流电机的原理和永磁直流直线电机的数学模型。 再然后对有限元数值方法的优点进行了介绍,并且着重对电磁场有限元分析软件 Ansoft Maxwell 2D 的特点进行叙述,在此基础上阐述了使用Maxwell 2D 进行有限元建模计算的步骤。 最后对本文中设计的两种电机进行了有限元仿真分析,通过施加不同大小或方向的电流得出电磁力与位置的关系,并以此来建立位移场与电磁场的耦合关系。 通过恒定电流下改变线圈匝数的办法得出了速度响应与线圈匝数的定量关系。6559
    关键词  无人驾驶机器人,永磁动圈式直线电机,有限元方法,电机原理,位移场,电磁场,耦合,线圈匝数,速度响应
    Title  Coupling modeling and simulation of   Linear electromagnet driven unmanned robot
    This dissertation focuses on the  analysis of a  Cylindrical permanent magnet
    moving coil DC linear motor,  establishing a  coupling model of the
    electromagnetic field and the displacement field, with a  stimulation study
    of the motor using the finite element method  ,and then  studies the numerical
    relationship between the coil turns and the dynamic response of the motor
    First  a brief  description  of  widespread use of  robot  driver in the
    experiment of motors and the characteristics of the liner motor is given,
    as well as the present development and study situations of liner motor  both
    home and abroad. Then it introduces the basic principle of the permanent
    magnet liner DC motors and the mathematical model of this kind of motor.
    Then the advantages of FEM is introduced. And it focuses on the  description
    of the characteristics of the FEM analysis software Ansoft Maxwell 2D,
    then displayed the analysis steps of using Maxwell 2D.
    Finally, this thesis makes a FEM analysis to the two motors designed in
    this thesis, then obtains the relationship between the magneticforce and
    displacement of coils by asserting currents of different flow directions
    and quantities, which is a basis for establishing the coupling model of
    electromagnetic field and the displacement field. It gives a numerical
    relationship between the dynamic response of speed and the coil turns by
    changing the coil turns in the condition of a permanent electric
    Keywords:  robot  driver,  Cylindrical permanent magnet moving coil DC linear
    motor,  Finite Element Method, principles of motor, displacement
    field ,Electromagnetic field,  coupling, coil  turns, response of
     本科毕业设计说明书(论文)  第 Ⅰ 页  共 Ⅰ 页
    目  录
    1  绪论 .  1
    1.1  课题研究的背景和意义 .  1
    1.2  无人驾驶机器人的国内外研究现状   3
    1.3  直线电机的发展和应用 .  3
    1.4  直线电机的国内外研究现状   4
    1.5  本论文的主要工作 ..  5
    1.6  本章小结 .  5
    2  无人驾驶机器人的系统构成及其驱动电机 ..  6
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