
    The introduction mainly introduced this topic design task, and on into the water, the water quality parameters (such as cod, bod, etc.), water quality, etc., and printing and dyeing wastewater source, characteristics and so on all has carried on the simple introduction.Treatment process selection and instructions are commonly used in printing and dyeing wastewater treatment method, physical method, chemical method and biological method, etc.) are introduced, in addition to illustrate various methods of processing mechanism, will explain the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. After is listed on the commonly used process (such as oxidation ditch, biological contact oxidation pond method, etc.), and from the decision to a technology used in this design, finally decided to adopt the design for the core technology with biological contact oxidation pool. Main structures and computing, just as its name implies is refers to the process of this design is used in the main structures and ancillary structures and calculation, some of these structures include grille, adjusting pool, hydrolysis acidification pool, biological contact oxidation pool, vertical flow sedimentation tank, sludge concentration pool, etc. Layout and elevation layout is refers to in the wastewater treatment plant have to use the rational distribution of structures, it is a comprehensive consideration of the process. Investment estimation is roughly estimate what I design process need to consume money.
    Keywords: printing and dyeing wastewater; Process design; Biological contact oxidation.
    目  录    5
    前  言    1
    1 绪论    2
    1.1 设计任务    2
    1.1.2 采用的设计标准    2
    1.2 印染废水的来源    2
    1.3 印染废水的特点    2
    1.4印染废水的危害    3
    2 处理工艺选择    3
    2.1工艺对比分析    3
    2.1.1方案设计原则    3
    2.1.2印染废水常用处理方法    3
        2.1.3 工艺流程对比分析    6
    2.2 工艺流程确定及说明    7
    3 主要工艺说明及设计计算    8
    3.1格栅    8
    3.1.1 设计概述    8
    3.1.2 设计参数    8
    3.1.3设计计算    8
    3.2调节池    9
    3.2.1 设计概述    9
    3.2.2 设计参数    10
    3.2.3 设计计算    10
    3.2.4 出水水质    11
    3.3 水解酸化池    11
    3.3.1 水解酸化池设计概述    11
    3.3.2 设计参数    11
    3.3.3 设计计算    11
    3.3.4 出水水质    12
    3.4 生物接触氧化池    12
    3.4.1 生物接触氧化法设计概述    12
    3.4.2 设计参数    12
    3.4.3 设计计算    12
    3.4.4 鼓风机房    14
    3.5 沉淀池    14
    3.5.1 设计概述    14
    3.5.2 设计参数    14
    3.5.3 设计计算    14
    3.6 污泥浓缩池    15
    3.6.1 设计概述    15
    3.6.2 设计参数    16
    3.6.3 设计计算    16
        3.6.4 污泥脱水机房    17
        3.6.5 污泥提升泵房    17
    3.7 污泥提升泵房    17
    3.7.1 设计概述    18
    3.7.2 设计计算    18
    4.  平面布置及高程布置设计    18
    4.1 平面布置    19
    4.1.1平面布置原则    19
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