    毕业论文关键词: 落料;拉深;切边;冲孔;复合模;成形工艺
    Forming process and design of compound die for bracket parts
      Abstract: the content of this graduation project is to use the mold to produce the fixed bracket, and to make the related craft route, and design the mould for the production. The main processes are blanking, drawing, punching, cutting edge. Prior to the design of the mold should pay attention to the actual. So I consulted a lot of information and literature and the analysis of the shape and size of the product part of the understanding and analysis finally screened out stamping die. The design of stamping die not only considers the economy, but also the cost of the design and the complexity of the design and the depth of the process. It is more convenient to calculate the size of the product. The size of the mold parts drawing, and detailed structure design of parts and final confluence a total assemble diagram, bring out the best in each other.
    My graduation design content is: the bracket parts forming process and the compound mold design. Graduation design is not only a test of my ability and the ability of the University in four years to learn the knowledge of a test table. He can not only hone my UG, CAD level, but also to exercise my ability to consult the literature and information, the ability to communicate with the teacher, etc.. This time I learned a lot.
    Finally, thanks to a Fu Zemin teacher to my help and teach, for his tireless teachings, can let me smooth completion of the complete set, no regrets go society. Thank you, teacher, thank you for your school.
    Key words: blanking; drawing; cutting edge; punching; compound die; Technology
      目   录
    1 模具工艺分析及工艺方案的确定  4
    1.1  冲压成形工艺分析 4
    1.1.1  明确设计任务,收集相关资料 4
    1.1.2  冲压工艺性分析 4
    1.2  冲压工艺方案的制定及模具结构类型 5
    2  模具主要工艺设计参数计算  6
    2.1  毛坯尺寸和主要参数的计算 6
    3  设计前计算  8
    3.1  确定排样裁板方式及材料利用率 8
    3.1.1排样方式 8
    3.1.2搭边与料宽 8
    3.1.3裁板方法 9
    3.1.4材料的利用率 9
      3.2  确定冲模类型及结构形式 9
    3.3  工序压力、压力中心的计算和压力机的选择 9
    3.3.1工序压力的计算 10
    3.3.2冲压力计算 10
    3.4  条料宽度和利用率的计算 11
    3.5  压力机的选择 14
    3.6  压力机的校核 15
    3.6.1闭合高度的校核 15
    3.6.2工作台面尺寸的校核 16
    3.6.3滑块行程的校核 17
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