    【摘要】车削加工过程中常常发生振动现象,这种有害振动会使工件表面产生振纹,严重影响其形状精度、尺寸精度、位置精度和表面粗糙度。因此,分析研究车削加工中振动产生的原因并采取相应的措施来消除或减小振动是非常必要的。本文主要研究主轴转速对车刀三向振动频域特性的影响,试验以济南车床生产的卧式车床 为试验平台,利用三向加速度传感器测得新刀、中等磨损、严重磨损三种刀具下表面的振动信号,使用北京波谱公司的WS-DAQ振动信号采集仪与其配套的 频谱分析软件来采集、分析测得的振动信号,得到了刀具振动加速度信号的自功率谱密度曲线。结果表明: (1)随着主轴转速的增大,车刀在轴向、径向、切向三个方向上的最大自功率谱密度值先减小后增大,在1600r/min左右时,自功率谱最小;(2)不管主轴转速如何改变,在径向上的自功率谱一直最大,切向居中,轴向最小;(3)在切削过程中,不管是在三种不同的切削方向,还是三种不同磨损程度的车刀,刀具最大自功率谱所对应的振动频率都保持不变,大约为50Hz。39782
    The Experimental Design of the Effect of Spindle Speed on the Frequency Domain Characteristic of Tool Three-way
    Turning Vibration
    【Abstract】It always causes chattering in the process of turning. This harmful vibration will make the surface chatter and have a great influence to shape accuracy, dimensional accuracy, position accuracy and surface roughness. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the reasons of the turning vibration and take appropriate measures to eliminate or reduce the vibration. This paper studies the effect of the spindle speed on the frequency domain characteristic of tool three-way vibration , which uses the horizontal lathes of CJK6136-MATE-360×570 produced by Jinan lathes as tentative platform and uses three-acceleration sensor to measure vibration singals generated by the sword surface of the three kinds of tools of the elementary wear, moderate wear and severe wear and uses Beijing's WS-DAQ vibration signal acquisition instrument with matching spectral analysis software to capture, analyze vibration signals measured to obtain the self-power spectral density curve of tool vibration acceleration signals . The results show that: (1) With the spindle speed increases, the largest self- power spectral density in three directions of axial, radial, tangential is reduced after the first increase .When the spindle speed is in 1600r / min or so, the self-power spectrum is the smallest. (2) Regardless of the changes of the spindle speed , the self-power spectrum in the radial direction has the maximum, tangential direction center, a minimum in the axial direction; (3) During the cutting process, whether it is in three different cutting direction, or three different degree of wear of tools, tools from the power spectrum corresponding to the maximum vibration frequency remains about 50Hz.
    【Keyword】Turning vibration; Three-acceleration; Frequency domain analysis; Self-power Spectral Density
    目 录
    摘要    1
    1 绪论    5
    1.1研究意义    5
    1.2研究现状    5
    1.3课题研究内容    7
    1.4课题研究方法和技术路线    7
    1.4.1研究方法    7
    1.4.2技术路线    8
    2 机械振动测量理论基础    9
    2.1振动的基本原理    9
    2.2振动测量参数     9
    2.3测振传感器与放大器    10
    2.3.1测振传感器    10
    2.3.2测振放大器    13
    2.3.3传感器的选择    14
    3 振动信号频域分析理论基础    15
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