    Design of Magneto Rheological Fluid Testing Device
    Abstract: Magneto rheological (MR) fluid is an intelligent rheological material with peculiar performance. Excellent features like fast response, precise controllability, small energy and wide working temperature range make MR fluid technology develop rapidly and be applied successfully in various fields, such as automobile engineering, aeronautics and aviation, robotic engineering, hydraulic engineering, physical exercising apparatus,watercraft engineering and armament control etc. In the past several decades, the MR fluid has attracted much attention of researchers in fundamental science areas, such as physics and chemistry, and in engineering areas such as materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering and civil engineering. The design process of a testing device for MR fluid is introduced in the article, including choosing a motor, designing of transmission, controlling shear gap of MR fluid and designing of all kinds of support elements. Moreover, theoretical calculating and finite element simulation of magnetic field is conducted.
    Key Words:Magneto rheological (MR) fluid; testing device; analysis of magnetic field; ANSYS
     目 录
    1绪论    1
    1.1前言    1
    1.2磁流变液研究现状    2
    1.3 磁流变液概述    3
    1.3.1磁流变效应    3
    1.3.2磁流变液的液流变特性参数    3
    1.4磁流变液流变特性的测试方法    4
    1.4.1基于流动模式的检测方法    4
    1.4.2基于剪切模式的检测方法    4
    1.4.3基于挤压模式的检测方法    5
    1.5设计内容    5
    2总体设计方案    6
    2.1测试原理    6
    2.2测试系统    6
    2.3设计依据    7
    2.4测试系统主体机械结构装配图    9
    3各零部件设计计算及说明    12
    3.1 电机的选型    12
    3.1.1确定电机类型    12
    3.1.2选择电机型号    12
    3.1.3驱动器的相关参数    14
    3.2 轴的设计计算及校核    14
    3.2.1轴的选材及其许用应力    14
    3.2.2按扭矩估算最小直径    14
    3.2.3轴的结构设计    14
    3.2.4轴的强度校核    15
    3.3 轴承的选择    16
    3.3.1选择轴承类型    16
    3.3.2选择轴承型号    16
    3.3.3计算轴承寿命    16
    3.4 键的选择与校核    17
    3.4.1主动轴与联轴器配合部分采用的键连接    17
    3.4.2电机伸出端与联轴器配合部分采用的键连接    17
    3.4.3从动轴与连接套采用的键连接    18
    3.5 联轴器的选择    18
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