    摘要:船用螺旋桨推进装置,是由一批集线器刀片组成。制造船用螺旋桨采用铸造和2-1 / 2轴仿形铣削,制造船用螺旋桨采用一个全面的木材或塑料模型:部分首先被铸造达到一定加工精度。特别是,正对于特征为小型空化器直径一般要有风洞试验。在仿形铣床加工中一个特殊的尖端钻就可以用于标记螺旋桨表面,最后过度的材料。通过手动完成删除,直到所有的标记点的消失。然而,这传统的工艺要求需要大量的人力和时间。为了克服这些问题,文氏(1977)和卡马乔(1983)等人调查了五轴加工复杂的螺旋桨的加工公差。五轴加工刀具路径生成时,应考虑其加工精度,加工时间,和工件与运动之间的干扰,对于确定有效的工具,同时避免干扰方向是五轴加工螺旋桨的关键。然而,由于船用螺旋桨是极其复杂的形状,所以它的有效工具路径可能是一个计算起来非常耗时的。
    关键词: 螺旋桨  无干扰的刀具路径  五轴加工
    Geometric modeling and five-axis NC machining of four-leaf propeller based on UG NX
    Abstract: A  marine  propeller  is  a  propulsion  device  that  consists  of  a number  of blades around a hub. Casting and 2-1/2 axis copy milling are commonly adopted to manufacture marine propellers that employ a full-scale wood or plastic pattern: parts are first cast and then machined for better accuracy. In particular, the propellers  of downsized  diameter  for  the  capitation  tunnel  test  have  been  generally machined on a copy milling machine. A special pointed end-drill might then be used for marking over the surface of propellers, and finally excessive materials are removed by manual finishing, until the all marked points disappear. However, this conventional process requires considerable labor and time. In order to overcome these problems, Vickers (1977), Toenshoff and Camacho (1983), Jun et al. (1993), Kuo and Dzan (2002) investigated the five-axis machining of a complex propeller under tight machining tolerances. When generating tool paths for the five-axis machining, one should consider accuracy, machining time, and interference between the work piece and the moving part of the machine. Deciding effective tool orientation while avoiding interference is crucial for five-axis machining of propellers. However, due to the complex shape of marine propellers, it may be time-consuming for computing an efficient tool path with a general-purpose CAD/CAM system.
    In this paper, three-dimensional software UG four-blade propeller for complex surface modeling and processing。Use from four leaf propeller converts the measured data from the three-dimensional coordinates of UG software to identify points styling. First, generate the required blade, then follow the known wheels and keyway requires the generation hub portion, both for the resulting final rounded form a whole. After modeling simulation is its processing, processing trajectory. In the use of 5-axis machining on the workpiece clamping specific folder. Firstly cavity milling roughing blades and hub to remove excess material and the outside general shape of the blade, Then using the semi-finishing fixed axis milling machining for reciprocating blades, then the final finishing his final variable axial milling processing, and gouging process. This process not only guarantees the quality of processing methods, but also greatly improve the processing efficiency.
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