    摘要:在对火炮驻退机进行设计的过程中,其主流流道的结构特征主要通过液压阻力系数 的值反映,因此能否合理的选取 是关系到设计能否成功的关键。为了确定某一筒壁沟槽式驻退机的合理的 取值范围,我们研究了其影响参数,变化规律。通过对筒壁沟槽式驻退机主流流道特征进行分析,合理简化以后,固定活塞和活塞杆,入口边界流速设定为V’模拟驻退杆后坐运动速度设定为V,出口边界为自由流出,在Fluent软件中建立了主流流场等效分析模型,通过仿真得到活塞面受力大小,再由伯努力方程推导出液压阻力系数 ,并以某成熟驻退机为例进行了方法验证。按此方法,对后坐速度V和流道截面积 和 进行了研究,其随着后坐速度、流道面积减小,在后坐过程中在一定范围内呈现逐渐增大的动态变化。在本文所设计的驻退机结构参数条件下,对比试验结果与后坐阻力仿真,可以将 合理的取值范围确定在2。9到3.6,37966
    Title    Analysis on Mainstream Hydraulic Resistance coefficient of    Cylinde Wall Groove Recoil Mechanism                                                  
    Hydraulic resistance coefficient  ,which reflecting mainstream channel structure characteristic,is a key parameter in artillery recoil mechanism design.It can be initialized by experience when the chanel structure is similar,otherwise itmay be different completely,The cylinder wall groove recoil veloil mechanism is studied in the paper. Forobtaining the reasonable range of   in theoretic design ,theinfluence parameters are studied. Based on the mainstream chanel structure analysis and reasonable simplification,by fixing the piston and rod,translating recoil velocity V by inlet velocity V’and setting free outlet, the equivalent flow field model is set up and simulated in Fluent.Under the certain condition of inlet velocity v’and the chanel section area ax, the piston force is calculated. And then,the coefficient   can be deduced from Bernoulli equation.And the method is validated within a range when V and ax decreace during recoil.Under the condition of the recoil mechanism parameters in the paper, and based on the recoil force comparison of simulation and test, the reasonable range of   should be 2.9~3.6.
    Keywords: recoil mechanism;hydraulic resistance coefficient;recoil force;flow field simulation
    目   次
    1引言 1
    2 筒壁沟槽式驻退机结构  1
    3流场分析  2
    4  筒壁沟槽式驻退机主流系数分析 3
    4.1 入流速度和流道面积的影响 3
    4.2  试验验证  4
    5  结构设计  6
    5.1 驻退后坐分析 6
    5.2 自由后坐分析与计算7
    5.3 驻退机沟槽正面设计 10
    结论  17
    致谢  18
    附录A          21
    附录B           22
    1  引言
    反后坐装置是火炮最核心的部件,火炮发射过程当中炮身上所承受的巨大冲击力经过反后坐装置缓冲后再作用于炮架上,从而缓解了火炮机动性和威力之间的矛盾。而这其中,驻退机是消耗后坐能量以及控制炮身平稳后坐的关键部件。驻退机的结构形式主要有活塞沟槽式、节制杆式、筒壁沟槽式等结构形式,一般都通过活塞挤压工作腔室中的驻退液通过孔口提供后坐阻力。这其中节制杆式驻退机因为结构简单、动作确实可靠儿广泛应用于各种类的制式火炮当 。
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