    毕业论文关键词:  清扫机器人      智能避障      路径规划
    Category Interior cleaning robot belongs to service robot research ,  fully combine computer technology, sensor technology, measurement and control technology and other advanced technology into organic integration, and its application services all around people's daily life. In recent years, how to achieve the indoor environment floor automatic cleaning and replace the traditional manual cleaning process research has been attracting the attention of national research staff.
    The issue of the control system is mainly based on the microcontroller. Start indoor cleaning robot,then the design will be based on the indoor environment backtracking algorithm path planning to plow type of sweeping the path begins to move, while the movement, while the dust on the ground, confetti and other small garbage cleaning.
    Sensors installed in the vehicle body around the surrounding environment will be real-time detection, ultrasonic distance sensor for detecting an obstacle on the road, once around the robot detects an obstacle, the microcontroller will receive an ultrasonic signal processing for obstacle avoidance system; When cleaning robot power is low, the charging station will emit infrared signal through the infrared sensor, the navigation signal the robot receives  can automatically return to the charging station for charging. Two drive wheels mounted on the vehicle body, a steering wheel, and the wheel speed is adjusted by the PWM pulse width modulation. Car body also set up a liquid crystal display and key input means for real-time display time, and user-friendly set cleaning time.
    Keywords: cleaning robot   intelligent obstacle avoidance   path planning
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国内发展现状    3
    1.3 研究目标与要求    3
    2 系统设计方案分析论证    5
    2.1 系统硬件结构总体设计方案    5
    2.2 单片机主控模块的选择论证    5
    2.3 车体结构设计论证    6
    2.4 车轮电机选型方案论证    7
    2.5 避障模块方案论证    8
    2.6 显示系统方案论证    9
    2.7 路径规划的研究论证    9
    2.7.1 对于环境建模方法的选择论证    10
    2.7.2 清扫机器人运动方式的选择论证    11
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