    Mine rope friction pad Transmission Experiment Platform Design
    Abstract: The graduation project is to design in the current design of transmission equipment mine hoist many applications, it is in our country's mine now account for a large proportion. It is primarily for the completion of the mine coal,, personnel, equipment, etc., and transportation tasks. Meanwhile, with the increase of mining depth and large equipment equipment, steel rope friction hoist with its lifting capacity, it's cheap to other significant advantages, so that more and more people choose to mine hoisting equipment.
    Steel rope and the friction pad which are mine hoist two very important components, the interaction between them, so how do we reasonably choose this steel rope and friction pad model, etc., to improve the performance of the hoist characteristics of great significance, the same drive system is an important part of the hoist, designed to enhance the performance of excellent powertrain machine also has great significance.
    The main issue is the wire rope friction pad transmission experiment platform design and analysis, through the steel rope friction pad transmission experiment platform design and analysis, can be drawn to meet a given condition and at a lower cost, performance is more prominent transmission system, including the selection and calculation of the motor, the design and calculation of wheel coupling and shaft Sizing like. Because the transmission is an important part of the hoist, so if you can design a good drive system will directly improve the performance of the hoist, finally can use this design better performance better hoist to help improve hoist Performance for future investment in the actual production line, in order to achieve value hoist
    Keywords: hoist, transmission design, selection
    第1章提升机的简介    1
    1.1矿用钢丝绳摩擦衬垫实验平台(提升机)的简介    1
    1.2矿用钢丝绳摩擦衬垫实验平台(提升机)传动的系统的介绍与分析    1
    1.3本课题矿用钢丝绳摩擦衬垫实传动验平台(提升机)传动系统的设计的简介    1
    第2章 传动系统的设计与选型    2
    2.1设计制约条件    2
    2.1.1试验提升高度    2
    2.1.2提升速度与加速度    2
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