    毕业论文关键字: 轴类零件;自动检测;表面缺陷
    Electromagnetic auto detection for surface defects of shaft parts.
    Abstract:Now domestic log in the industrial production of shaft parts detection technology is still in the artificial test based on, but the traditional detection methods Ren Ran in a big error, which leads to low efficiency defects. It is necessary to study and realize the rapid detection of surface defects of shaft parts, which is very important for improving the quality and performance of industrial products and improving the production efficiency.
    The subject of the design principle of convenient, practical, reliable, and economic, as the target, the completion of the shaft parts of the automatic electromagnetic detection system. The graduation design I design shaft parts surface defects of electromagnetic automatic detection part tooling design part, the design content of the subject is the overall program design, according to the scheme calculation choose drive component, part drawing, assembly drawing and part.
    Design general description:
    Shaft parts as commonly used in daily production parts, use is very much, and relates to the field is extremely wide, with the development of modern science and technology, industry of the participating quality requirements more and higher, to enhance the quality of shaft parts is more and more important. Improving the quality and performance of the industrial products and improving the quality of the shaft parts are closely related to the surface defects of the shaft parts.. Here is a quick automatic inspection technology for surface defects of shaft parts.
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