    毕业论文关键词: 电磁夹具;通电线圈;ANSYS;仿真
    Abstract:Electromagnetic fixture is the current development trend of fixture which has the advantages that traditional one do not have, according to the design and research of electromagnetic fixture, this paper carried out the following work:
    1 Based on the theoretical research of the electromagnetic field, select the coil magnetic field as the excitation source, single coil and a plurality of coils of the external magnetic field is studied theoretically.
    2 Make ANSYS simulation analysis on magnetic field produced by the single coil and more than a single coil, obtained the two kinds of magnetic field intensity distribution and characteristics of magnetic field excitation.
    3 Based on the above two parts of calculation and simulation, provides a general conclusion and reference for the fixture design of electromagnetic field excitation. The results show that: single coil magnetic field generated by the limited coverage, in order to meet the magnetic field generated in a larger range, usually need more than one coil according to certain order, each coil generates a magnetic field superposition in space, thereby increasing the magnetic induction intensity and increase uniformity of magnetic field; two adjacent coil magnetic field excitation current is reversed, the magnetic field generated by a more uniform.
    4 Summary and prospect, calculation accuracy using the numerical algorithm can further enhance the research on electromagnetic fixture design simulation; can also be different for more geometric coils arranged in case, simulation research.
    Keywords:Electromagnetic fixture; Electric coil; ANSYS; Simulation
    1.前言    1
    1.1 研究现状    1
    1.2 组合夹具的技术发展趋势    1
    1.2.1 孔槽组合夹具    1
    1.2.2 焊接组合夹具    2
    1.2.3 检测组合夹具    2
    1.2.4 电磁夹具    2
    1.2.5 磁力原理    3
    1.3 本章小结    3
    2.电磁理论及研究方案    4
    2.1 研究理论背景    4
    2.2 研究探讨    4
    2.3 本章小结    6
    3.通电线圈产生的磁场研究    7
    3.1 单个通电线圈模型    7
    3.2 多个线圈单列排列模型    7
    3.3 线圈外部磁场分布情况    8
    3.3.1 单个线圈外部磁场    8
    3.3.2 多个线圈单列排列外部磁场    9
    3.4 本章小结    10
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