    毕业论文关键字: 剪板机;液压闸式;刀架;挡板
    Language Learning
    Abstract:In recent years, the industry has witnessed rapid development, Among,the shearing machine played a important role.Shearing machine,sheet to be cut so that the subsequent processing machine as an industrial production,The use of shearing machine,industrial production is more convenient,shearing machine,by means of movement blade and fixed blade,use reasonable blade gap,exert shear force to the extent permitted by the thickness of the metal,make plate fractured separation,shearing machine according to the different transmission mode,pided into mechanical and hydraulic type,The design uses hydraulic shearing machine as a design object,Through the structure analysis by hydraulic shearing machine,Kinematic analysis, design and calculation,The design uses double hydraulic cylinder of the role,positioning of the hydraulic cylinder and turret adjustment drive the turret shearing action,machine can achieve shear stable, high precision,baffle device after use to adjust the width of the plate shear for continuous shear to improve production efficiency, the overall hydraulic shearing machine reasonable layout and the various parts of the installation location, with the effective and economic operation of hydraulic shearing machine. The Hydraulic Shearing Machine with PLC control system, simple operation panel, convenient operating system for shearing machine increasingly convenient to use.
    Key words:Plate shears;Hydraulic brake type;tool;baffle
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 液压剪板机国内外研究现状与发展趋势    1
    1.2 研究内容    4
    1.3 研究方案    8
    2结构设计及校核    11
    2.1 主要尺寸参数的确定    11
    2.2 主要运动参数的确定    13
    2.3 挡板装置中电动机的选型    13
    2.4 本课题主要功能部件及其工作原理    14
    2.5 滚珠丝杠副的设计和校核    15
    2.6 减速箱的校核    16
    2.7 丝杆轴的设计和校核    18
    2.8 对轴承进行校核    21
    2.9 外购件的选型    22
    2.10 典型焊接件的焊接要求及强度校核    23
    3 液压传动系统    24
    3.1 液压缸的工作原理    24
    3.2 选择液压阀及相关辅助元件    28
    3.3 确定油箱的尺寸    29
    4 电气系统    34
    4.1 控制系统的选择    34
    4.2 三菱FX2N系列PLC    34
    4.3 剪板机系统控制    34
    5 结论    38
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