    摘要 :浆输送泵在制浆造纸工业中是最重要的纸浆输送机械。与纸浆按浓度分类相对应,根据浓度选择正确的纸浆输送泵是设计的关键。在制浆造纸的过程中,需要用设备将大量的浆料输送到指定的地方,所用的设备有螺旋输送机、浆泵等。螺旋输送机适合高浓度浆料(10%以上)的短距离输送,一般输送浆料多用浆泵,浆泵又有容积泵和离心泵之分,在制浆造纸企业离心式浆泵应用最为广泛,其型号也是多种多样,性能也有一定的差别。纸浆泵作为一种主要的浆料输送机械,在制浆造纸厂中有着举足轻重的地位。34410
     毕业论文关键词:浆泵 纸浆浓度 离心泵
    Abstract: slurry pump in the pulp and paper industry is the most important pulp conveying machinery. According to the concentration of pulp, the key to the design of the pulp pump is the correct choice of the pulp pump.. In pulping and papermaking process, equipment will great amount of slurry transported to designated place, the equipment has a screw conveyor, pump and so on. Screw conveyor is suitable for high concentration slurry (10%) of short distance transport, general conveying slurry pump, pump and displacement pump and centrifugal pump, is most commonly used for pulp and paper enterprises centrifugal pump application, the types are varied and performance has also some differences. Pulp pump as the main slurry transport machinery, in the pulp and paper mills have a pivotal position.
    The main content of the design, the correct pump are selected according to the pulp consistency. Analysis comparison of different structure, process and performance to determine the final design of the programme. Pump power calculation, bearing life calculation, the stiffness of shaft strength checking etc.. Considering the design cost, simple manufacturing level to determine the seal and packing structure.
    Keywords: Pump pulp concentration centrifugal pump
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题的背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.3 课题的目的和应用    2
    2 离心泵的工作原理以及主体结构    3
    2.1 离心泵的工作原理    3
    2.2 离心泵的基本结构    3
    3 离心泵设计方案认证    5
    3.1 浆泵结构方案论证    5
    3.1.1 吸入形式的选择    5
    3.1.2 级数的选择    5
    3.1.3 支撑形式的选择    5
    3.1.4 泵体结构的选择    5
    3.2 吸入室和压出室及其结构形式的选择    5
    3.2.1 吸入室的选择    5
    3.2.2 压出室的选择    6
    3.3 浆泵叶轮及其结构形式的选择    6
    3.3.1 闭式、开式、半开式浆泵    7
    3.3.2 单、双流道泵    7
    3.3.3 旋流式叶轮    7
    3.3.4 螺旋离心式泵    7
    3.4 轴封及其结构形式的选择    8
    3.4.1 骨架橡胶密封    8
    3.4.2 填料密封    8
    3.4.3 机械密封    9
    3.4.4 浮动密封    9
    3.5 轴承结构的选择    9
    3.5.1 滚动轴承    9
    3.5.2 滑动轴承    9
    3.6 电动机的选择    10
    3.6.1 直流电动机    10
    3.6.2 交流电动机    10
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