    毕业论文关键词:异步轧制 ;两棍;板带轧制
    Small asynchronous rolling mill host system design
    Abstract:Asynchronous rolling is a new rolling technology, has a lot of advantages, especially in some composite materials, because some of the top and bottom surfaces of the composite elongation rate not consistent, in order to guarantee the product quality of plate type must be of the asynchronous rolling. The asynchronous can greatly reduce rolling rolling force, so equipment light weight, low energy consumption, little deformation rolling mill, the products high precision; Reduce the wear and tear on the roll of finally, reducing production cost; Rolling road less time, productivity high; Rolling mill can be rolling in thickness. This topic was minitype mill asynchronous mainframe system design, complete the mainframe design and corresponding rolling mill and control the sensor of the installation, making an analysis for rolling mill by all kinds of software, and the function and structure of rolling mill in improvement and innovation, make its higher efficient, stable and accurate to produce quality products.
    Keyword:Asynchronous rolling;Two sticks;Strip rolling
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 异步轧制技术在国内外的发展    1
    1.2 异步轧机的特点    2
    1.3 设计的目的与意义    2
    1.4 两辊异步轧机主机及轧机传感器的基本要求    3
    2轧辊的结构设计    4
    2.1 轧辊的类型与结构    4
    2.1.1 辊身    4
    2.1.2 辊颈    4
    2.1.3 辊头    4
    2.2 轧辊材料的选择    5
    2.3 轧辊的结构参数    5
    2.3.1 轧辊辊身直径和辊身长度的设计与计算    6
    2.3.2 轧辊的重车率    6
    2.3.3 轧辊辊颈直径和长度的设计与计算    6
    2.4 轧辊传动端的设计    7
    2.5 轧辊的强度校核    8
    2.5.1 轧辊的破坏原因分析    8
    2.5.2 轧辊受力状态力学模型的建立    8
    2.6 轧辊的刚度计算    11
    3轧辊轴承设计    13
    3.1 轧辊轴承的工作特点和主要类型    13
    3.1.1 轧辊轴承的工作特点    13
    3.2 轧辊轴承的设计与计算    14
    3.2.1 轴瓦设计与计算    14
    3.2.2 轧辊轴承宽度设计计算    16
    3.2.3 轴承工作压力的验算    16
    3.3 轧辊轴承在轧机上的安装    17
    4轧辊调整装置    17
    4.1 轧辊调整装置的作用    17
    4.1.1 轧辊轴向调整装置的作用    18
    4.1.2 轧辊的径向调整(压下)装置的作用    18
    4.1.3 压下装置的组成    18
    4.2压下螺杆    18
    4.2.1 压下螺杆的结构组成及材料选择    18
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