
    Excepting foremost decision of count, checking and support process, finally, the technical and economic indicators should be decided to determine the hours of productivity, work time, Yield, effective working hours. Through a series of process design, the end-all technical difficulties is solved .Through check and states that calculation of the production is feasible.
    The design of petroleum cracking tube is different form the knowledge which I learn in class, it focus on the fact, while the majority of knowledge in the books is ideal, so it makes me feel more and learn more. This design, I follow the principle of seeking truth from facts, learn technology and production capacity which have been done to finish the design. Though in the process of designing around a lot of mistakes and failures, through these mistakes and failure strengthen my will, and  let me be more specific understanding integrity of the entire production process of seamless steel, and know the loss of knowledge in class. Also develop my abilities of thinking and problem-solving, what’s more, the success of this design makes me be more interested in learning.
    Key Words: seamless tube; hot rolling; cold drawing; process design
    目 录
    设计总说明    2
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 我国无缝钢管现状    1
    1.1.1  我国无缝钢管生产现状    1
    1.1.2  生产技术水平    1
    1.2 无缝钢管的生产方式    1
    1.2.1热轧工艺    1
    1.2.2 冷加工工艺    1
    2.产品介绍及产品标准    3
    2.1 石油裂化管简介    3
    2.2 产品标准    3
    3.现场生产条件    4
    3.1 宝钢股份精密钢管厂生产现状    4
    3.2 宝钢股份精密钢管厂设备情况    4
    3.2.1 1000吨剪切机    4
    3.2.2 新环形炉    4
    3.2.3 新型114锥辊斜轧穿孔机    4
    3.3.4 Diesher轧管机    5
    3.2.5 微张力减径机    5
    3.2.6 冷床    6
    3.2.7 液压挤头机    6
    3.2.8 打头机(重锤)    6
    3.2.9 七辊立式矫直机    6
    3.2.10 冷拔机    7
    3.2.11 热处理炉    7
    3.2.12 轧头设备    7
    3.2.13 酸洗槽    7
    3.2.14 磷化槽    8
    3.2.15 皂化    8
    3.2.16 切管机    8
    3.2.17吊车(桥式)    8
    4.工艺方案拟定    9
    5.工艺设计    10
    5.1 工艺流程    10
    5.1.1 热轧部分    10
    5.1.2 冷拔部分    10
    5.2 原料选择    10
    5.3 加热制度    10
    5.4 变形制度    11
    5.4.1 热轧部分    11
    5.4.2 冷拔部分    13
    5.5 工具设计和选择    15
    5.5.1 斜轧穿孔机    15
    5.5.2 轧管机设计    18
    5.5.3 三辊式减径机孔型设计    18
    5.5.4 冷拔机    20
    5.6 轧制表和拔制表编制    20
    5.6.1 轧制表    20
    5.6.2拔制表    20
    5.7 调整参数计算    21
    5.7.1 穿孔机调整参数    21
    5.7.2 轧管机调整参数    22
    5.8 速度计算    22
    5.8.1 穿孔机    22
    5.8.2 轧管机    23
    5.8.3 张减    23
    5.8.4 冷拔机    25
    5.9 轧制进程表和拔制进程表    26
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