    关键词 加注连接器  机械闭锁  四杆机构   设计分析
    Title Design of locking mechanism for  connector for connector with charging connector     
    The thesis studied the application and development of rocket fuel charging connector, combined with the existing various principles of the charging connector design, proposed the mechanical mode based on the clutch jaw mechanism.
    The main body of the structure is based on the four-bar mechanism, which driven by pneumatic cylinder push rod.By the way of mapping, and the relationship of all institutions in a particular location. Determine the layout of the overall structure, member of range of motion, bars interference fan, on this basis to determine the size, complete the size selection and design drawing. The dynamic characteristic and the strength of the key parts of the design mechanism are analyzed by the dynamic analysis and the finite element analysis.
    Through this graduation design, not only increased the understanding of mechanical design and simulation,but also let me improve my ability to solve the problem step by step.
    Keywords   Charging connector  Mechanical locking  Four bar mechanism Design and analysis
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1  国外加注连接器的研究现状    2
    1.2.2  国内加注连接器的研究现状    3
    1.3  闭锁机构的对比分析    3
    1.4  本文主要工作内容    6
    2  设计要求及闭锁原理    8
    2.1  设计指标及设计思路    8
    2.2  面板参数    9
    2.3  闭锁原理    10
    3  闭锁机构设计    12
    3.1  铰链四连杆机构    12
    3.1.1   离合爪设计    14
    3.1.2  校核    20
    3.2  连接杆设计    21
    3.3  驱动杆及连接器设计    23
    3.4  支座设计    28
    3.4.1  支座与驱动轴干涉问题以及限位块设定    28
    3.4.2  支座与面板的连接方式    30
    3.4.3  支座与气压缸的连接方式    30
    4   动力学及有限元分析    33
    4.1  动力学仿真    33
    4.2  有限元仿真    36
    结  论    38
    致  谢    39
    1  引言
    1.1  研究背景及意义
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