    Wire constant stress corrosion test bench design
    【Abstract】Wire rope is widely used in major projects .In other heavy lifting equipment is an essential component.Extensive use of steel materials mainly because it has a huge advantage in terms of mechanical propertiesThe wire has a high strength, light weight itself.In operation run smoothly and not easily broken and therefore suddenly the whole root work more reliable.Widely used at the same time reflect its importance, security has devastated the wire associated with us.So through the wire and under constant stress corrosion solution study the mechanical properties of the safe production and work of great significance.
    The object of this project is to test the design of constant stress corrosion test station wire needed,Object Test Bench study for 1mm diameter wire.Based on the experimental analysis of the process, we learned that the main function of the test bed is to provide a constant wire tension.From this point requirements, the proposed overall structure of the test bed and provide some tension programs which select the most reasonable and most convenient solution design. Integration of the various details of the design of each experiment station parts, final assembly into a test bed to meet the requirements. Test rig design requires the use of PRE-O software for size a member of the design, each part also requested CAD three-dimensional view of a cross-sectional view that is necessary.
    Since this wire test bed is used to teaching experiments, so the design size need not be too large, the operation should be as simple as possible. From the above principle, in the production practice to design wire article constant stress corrosion test station.
    【Key words 】wire rope, constant stress, pro-e, CAD, design
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1钢丝绳及钢丝恒应力腐蚀试验台的概述    1
    1.1.1国外钢丝恒应力腐蚀试验台(拉力试验机)发展情况    1
    1.1.2我国钢丝恒应力腐蚀试验台(拉力试验机)发展情况    2
    1.2本课题研究内容    2
    第二章 试验台方案总体设计    4
    2.1钢丝恒应力实验台设计与搭建流程    4
    2.2 1mm钢丝力学性能分析    4
    2.3试验台拉力加载方案设计    5
    第三章 试验台各零件设计    7
    3.1传感器选型    7
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