    With the rapid development of our society, more and more problems  in our life, the energy shortage problem is particularly prominent. "Resource recycling, and develop the new energy" this topic has gradually attracted people's attention. My topic "high-rise building water system design of multistage power" is the response to the call of the national energy saving, new energy for the wastewater in high-rise building has not yet been developed to make full use of, can achieve the effect of the use of waste and also put the concept of energy saving and emission reduction into our daily life, is of great significance.
    We take Xuzhou city as an example, in recent years, Xuzhou has been steadily developing, correspondingly, also more and more high-rise buildings, to the current development trend, the amount of sewage discharge area should not be underestimated! If we can put these waste water "treasure" is used to generate electricity, I believe that this generation must be a considerable number. This topic design for high-rise building under multi-stage power system, I hope that through my study in the university four years computational knowledge carries on the detailed analysis of the high-rise building, the special environment of water, try to solve the problem, and finally determine the size of the tank, pipe thickness, generator selection and low duty should be the battery pack size.
    Key words: high-rise building multi-level water power system.
    机电工程学院毕业设计(论文)任务书    Ⅰ
    摘要    Ⅱ
    Abstract    Ⅲ
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2课题的研究意义    1
    1.3我国发电方式的现状    2
    1.4本论文的研究内容    5
    第二章 市场调研    6
    2.1我国目前水资源概况    6
    2.2居民日常用水市场调研    7
    2.3分析综述    10
    第三章 系统设计    11
    3.1水管的选型    11
    3.1.1排水管的种类    11
    3.1.2排水管的材质的选择    12
    3.1.3排水管尺寸的确定    12
    3.2 水箱的选型    15
    3.2.1水箱的材料的确定    15
    3.2.2水箱的容积的确定    16
    3.2.3水箱位置的确定    18
    3.3水轮机的选型    19
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