    毕业论文关键词   液压缸 摆臂支腿 有限元分析
    Title    Rocket single-cylinder swing arm design
    According to the design theory of  Hydraulic cylinder ,Reference design of hydraulic cylinder with S400 air defense missiles and "Patriot 3" anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle Outrigger is any guide, the rockets set single-arm structure design of the Jack. Theoretical analysis and calculation have been placed on driving hydraulic cylinder, boom, hem and and the structure of the support bar, choice of materials, basic dimensions, connections program. By launch vehicle stability calculation leg horizontal span, designed a parallelogram linkage of leg stretch-back programme. Hydraulic cylinder is obtained by leg reaction force workloads and swing arm leg loads. Using SolidWorks modeling software on the swing arm type jacks in all parts of the structure decomposition and simulation design, parts and Assembly. By means of finite element analysis to simulate the working arm leg stress distribution and deformation of the components shown Launcher arm leg strength and stiffness to meet technical requirements.
    Keywords  Hydraulic cylinder   Finite element analysis   Swing arm support legs
    1  引言..    2
    1.1  发射系统支撑装置简介..    3
    1.2  火箭导弹发射车支腿结构形式..    4
    1.3  支撑装置典型结构分析..    7
    1.4  本文的研究内容.    10
    2  单缸摆臂支腿总体方案设计..    11
    2.1  发射车稳定性分析..    12
    2.2  发射车支腿支撑反力计算..    18
    2.3  摆臂支腿静态受力分析. 23
    2.4  下摆臂销轴优化设计    24
    3  驱动液压缸结构设计..    28
    3.1  液压缸筒计算    28
    3.2  缸筒连接件设计.    33
    3.3  活塞杆及连接件设计    36
    4  摆臂结构设计与分析..    41
    4.1  车架连接座.. 41
    4.2  支撑柱 43
    4.3  驻盘.. 45
    4.4  上下摆臂. 46
    结  论..    48
    致  谢.. 49
    参 考 文 献    50
    1  引言
    “雷霆2000” 火箭炮
     图1.1“雷霆2000” 火箭炮            图1.2 红旗9防空导弹             
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