    The Design of Conical Refiner Feed Mechanism
    Abstract: Important equipment of the conical mill are pulp and paper mills, rough and fine grinding and mainly used in the pulp and paper industry pulp paper, paper pulp, particularly suitable for cotton, wood pulp, hemp pulp fiber pulp such as refining. Conical mill with its high production capacity, thereby lowering the unit electricity consumption and equipment costs, simple structure, stable performance, high efficiency, low noise, easy to maintain, and other advantages are widely used in the paper industry.
        This paper is to design the conical refiner feed mechanism, feeding mechanism is an important part of machine, which directly affects the grinding effect. The design firstly introduced the working principle and classification of conical refiner feed mechanism, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of various types of conical refiner , and conducted proposal research of the feed mechanism components. Then, the paper designed the shafts structure and the main structure of conical refiner feed mechanism, calculated the data of main components. Finally, apply the expertise which we learn to draw the feed mechanism assembly and the main part drawing.
    Key words: conical refiner;feed mechanism;refining;
    1 绪论    3
       1.1 选题的背景    3
       1.2 国内外研究现状    4
       1.3磨浆设备概述    5
    2. 设计方案的草拟    6
       2.1 锥形磨浆机进给机构的基本结构    6
       2.2 锥形磨浆机进给机构的工作原理    6
       2.3 轴承装置的选择和设计    7
       2.4 驱动装置的确定    7
       2.5 锥形磨进给机构的密封    7
    3. 磨浆机进给机构设计方案论证    8
       3.1驱动装置的确定    8
       3.1.1 电机的选用    8
       3.1.2 联轴器和减速器的选用    12
       3.2 轴承的选用    12
       3.3 密封方式的选用    13
       3.3.1 填料密封    13
       3.3.2 机械密封    13
       3.3.3迷宫式密封    14
       3.3.4 浮动环密封    14
       3.4 润滑剂的方案分析    14
       3.4.1 润滑的目的    14
       3.4.2 润滑剂的选择    14
    4 锥形磨进给机构相关设计与计算    16
       4.1 主要参数    16
       4.2 进给量计算    16
       4.3 驱动装置的计算    17
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