    摘要本论文首先阐述了同时离轨发射装置的研究背景以及国内外发展历程、现状和发展趋势,接着总体阐述了本课题的研究方法和设计任务。然后进入设计计算部分,首先对导轨和滑块的必要参数计算,包括导轨长度计算、让开量计算以及配合间隙计算,然后进行了闭锁挡弹机构总体方案设计以及各零部件的参数计算、三文建模以及承力件的强度校核。然后对本文涉及到的软件SolidWorks进行了简单的介绍,并对导轨、滑块、火箭模型完成了三文设计以及装配工作。利用SolidWorks simulation对前、后导轨分别进行了力的有限元分析。最后完成同时离轨装置的工程图,并将它们作为附件附在论文后面。32158
    关键词:   同时离轨   闭锁挡弹机构   三文建模   有限元分析
    Title    Meanwhile deorbit rocket launcher design                     
    This paper first describes the meanwhile deorbit rocket launcher background as well as domestic and international development, current situation and development trend, then this paper describes the general research methods and design tasks. Then enter the design calculation section,first of all the necessary parameters to calculate the rail and slider,Including rail length calculation, get out of the amount calculated,the gap Calculated. Then the lockout Stop Mechanism overall design as well as the calculation of the parameters of the parts, three-dimensional modeling and load-bearing parts of the strength check. Then the article related to SolidWorks software for a simple introduction, and rails, sliders, model rocket completed a three-dimensional design and assembly work. Use SolidWorks simulation respectively front rail, rear rail finite element analysis of force. Finalization of off-track at the same time means drawing them as annexed papers.
    Keywords  Meanwhile deorbit  Lockout Stop Mechanism  Three-dimensional modeling Finite Element Analysis
    1  引言    1
    1.1  论文选题背景与意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  课题研究方法    5
    1.4  课题主要研究内容    5
    2  同时离轨发射装置总体方案设计    6
    3  同时离轨发射装置详细设计    8
    3.1  滑轨以及定向滑块设计    8
    3.2  闭锁挡弹结构设计    16
    3.3  同时离轨发射装置总体设计建模    21
    4  导轨承力件受力分析    25
    4.1  前后滑块处导轨受力分析    25
    4.2  SolidWorks simulation有限元分析    26
    不足与展望    34
    结  论    35
    致  谢    36
    1  引言
    1.1  论文选题背景与意义
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