    关键词: 换热器;浮头;管壳
    Design of Heavy Oil Heat Exchanger
    Abstract: The topic of my study is the design of floating head heat exchanger. The floating head heat exchanger is a special type of tube and shell heat exchanger. It is special for its floating head. One of its tube sheet is fixed, while another can float in the shell, so called floating head. As the tubes can expand without the restriction of the shell, it can avoid thermal stress. Another advantage is that it can be dismantled and clean easily. It is widely used in chemical industry. In this study an overall design of the floating head heat exchanger is carried out .According to the demand the type 1-2 is chosen to be the basic type, which has one segment in shell and two segment in tubes. First, heat transfer is calculated to determine the heat exchange surface area and the number of tubes that needed. Then, according to the request and standards, structural of system is well designed. After that, optimal design result is given. Finally, some manufacture and installation issues are related. The drawings are done using CAD.
    Key words: heat exchanger; floating head; tube and shell  
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.1.1 我国换热器发展前景    1
    1.1.2 国外换热器发展前景    4
    1.2 换热器的应用及发展    7
    1.3 换热器的分类及特点    8
    1.3.1 直接接触式换热器    8
    1.3.2 蓄热式换热器    8
    1.3.3 间壁式换热器    8
    1.3.4 中间载热体式换热器    8
    1.4 研究的目的和意义    9
    1.5 本次设计简介    9
    2 换热器的热力和阻力计算    11
    2.1 热力计算    11
    2.1.1 确定物性数据    11
    2.1.2 定性温度和物性参数计算    11
    2.1.3 计算总传热系数    12
    2.1.4 管程压降    14
    2.1.5 壳程压降    15
    3 细部结构计算    17
        3.1 壳体和管箱材料的选择    17
    3.2 筒体    17
    3.3 管箱壳体及封头的计算    17
    3.3.1 管箱的作用及选型    17
    3.3.2 封头的计算    18
    3.3.3 平盖厚度计算    19
    3.4 管箱分程隔板    19
    3.5 水压试验校核    20
    3.5.1 筒体的应力校核    20
    3.5.2 椭圆形封头的应力校核    21
    3.5.3 管箱的应力校核    21
    3.6 固定管板    21
    3.7 浮动管板    22
    3.8 换热管及其排列方式    22
    3.9 换热管与管板连接    23
    3.10 接管    24
    3.10.1 壳体接管厚度    24
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