    The equipment that transfers heat from hot liquid to the cool one is named as heat exchanger. It is a world-wide equipment that is widely used in pharmacy, chemical industry, oil refining, food, light industry, atomic energy, mechanism and many other departments of industry. In the industrial producing, transfer heat from higher temperature liquid to the lower one is the main role of the heat exchanger, it makes the temperature of liquid reach the stipulate target of technological process, in order to satisfy the requirements in technological process. In addition, the heat exchanger is effective equipment that can retrieve surplus heat and waste heat.
    What I design is U-tube heat exchanger. The structure characteristics of U-tube heat exchanger is that there is only one tube plate, the tube bundle is make up of many U-tubes, both ends of the tubes are fixed on the same tube plates, the tubes can stretch out and draw back freely. When there is a temperature difference between the shell and the U-tube, there would not be thermal stress. The structure of the U-tube heat exchanger is simple, the price is cheap and the ability of bearing pressure is strong, it is adapt to the temperature difference between tube wall and shell wall is relative large or the medium of the shell are easy to scaling and unwell adopt float heat exchanger and fixed tube plate heat exchanger. Especially adapt to the materiel and supplies in the tube is high temperature, high pressure and large corrosive property.
    This paper is to design a air preheater which is used to preheat air, its medium of shell side is air and that of tube side is steam. The content of this designment includes the determination of general planning and physical parameter, the choice of material, the designment of detailed parts (adapter, baffle plate, flange and channel, etc), and verification of strength and stability. Finally draw assembly drawing and the main parts.
    Keywords:heat exchanger,U-tube heat exchanger,structure characteristic
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
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