    关键词  离合器  摩擦片  膜片弹簧  从动盘  压盘
    Title   Design of the Mini Car Clutch             
    The mini car plays an important role in today's automobile market and it has a great role to play in this development. As an important component of the automobile transmission,the clutch has great influence on the vehicle performance.So the study or design of the mini car clutch is quite important.  In this paper,the diaphragm spring clutch is designed for the mini car. Parameters and structure of main parts are determined and checked. The design of the main content includes: The main parameters of the clutch selection, including the reserve coefficient, friction plate inside and outside diameter, unit pressure, friction plate thickness, etc.The design of driven parts,including the design of a driven disc hub and a driven piece. The design of active parts,including the design of pressure plate and clutch cover.The design of the control mechanism,including the design of isolation bearing and torsional vibration damper.What’s more, engineering drawing by AutoCAD is needed.The  results meet the requirements.
    Keywords  Clutch  The friction plate  Diaphragm spring   Pressure plate
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.3 发展前景    2
    2 离合器结构方案确定    4
    2.1 设计参数和设计要求    4
    2.2 离合器结构方案确定    4
    2.3 本章小结    6
    3离合器主要参数的确定    7
    3.1 摩擦片主要参数的选择    7
    3.2 离合器后备系数 的确定    8
    3.3 单位压力 的确定    8
    3.4 本章小结    9
    4 离合器从动盘设计    10
    4.1 从动盘结构    10
    4.2 从动盘设计    10
    4.3 扭转减振器的结构    12
    4.4 扭转减振器主要参数    13
    4.5 减振弹簧的计算    14
    4.6 本章小结    16
    5 离合器膜片弹簧的设计    17
    5.1 膜片弹簧的结构特点    17
    5.3 膜片弹簧的弹性变形特性    17
    5.4 膜片弹簧的参数尺寸确定    19
    5.5 本章小结    23
    6 离合器其他主要部件的结构设计    24
    6.1 离合器盖的结构设计    24
    6.2 分离轴承总成的设计    24
    6.3 压盘的设计    24
    6.4 本章小结    26
    结  论    27
    致  谢    28
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